
in which i wish for more classes for the first time

Guten morgen!
I woke up way too early this morning. Why I ever thought taking a shower would take almost an hour is so beyond me. I'd resolved to eat a pop tart instead of going to the dining hall, so I've been chilling in my room for the past hour.
I do have somewhere to be this morning. We have meetings with our advisors to figure out courses and such.
My issue is that there are way too many courses I want to take. I want to do introductions to everything, because why the hell not? I've always wanted to know something about linguistics/computer science/urban studies/economics/etc.
We'll see what the advisor-man tells me, and we'll see what I end up taking. I really do have to limit myself to four though. Which might be impossible.

The past couple days have been chill. I want classes to start though; I need to be busy.
Oh well. I only have to wait until tomorrow.

Love always,


an abundance of hangers

I ran into Ora today! I'm not sure I'd actually seen her since she graduated a couple years ago, but there she was standing in line at the Brown bookstore this afternoon.

Ora: Hey! What are you doing here?
Me: I need more hangers.
Ora: Oh, if you want to come by my dorm, I have a thousand extra hangers.
Me: Awesome! Thanks!

So I go over to her dorm. It turns out she's pledging a coed fraternity this semester (which sounds really cool), and their building shares with another frat. She wasn't exaggerating when she told me how many hangers she had. There might have been tens of thousands. So she gives me two big armfuls and we plan to grab lunch sometime and I walk back to my dorm. With two huge bundles of hangers. Going through a frat.
I felt like Edward hanger-hands or something.
It was awesome.

So that was just one of the many many uncomfortable-freshman moments that I know are in the stars for me.
Hoooray for being awkward.

Love always,


oh hi college

I'm moved in. I've unpacked and I've put my photos on the wall and I am so living here.
Here are some pictures. I feel like I should be busier than I am, and maybe there's some kind of social mingling happening that I'm not aware of.
I need to find that.

Love always,

UPDATE: College is awesome.


stressing out

In 15 hours, I will be in Providence, Rhode Island.
I am stressing out.

We (meaning myself, my mother, and two of my many many aunts) went to Target today to pick things up. Various simple things like laundry detergent and Advil. Somehow this became a crazy stressful experience which I would prefer not to repeat. Everyone had opinions on my laundry detergent! No one understood my desire for cute band-aids!
I'm a wanderer. I like strolling through every single aisle figuring out exactly what it is that I need. I don't like limiting myself to a plan, and I don't like having to justify my decisions to other people, and I don't like it when other people (who aren't aware of my elaborate decision-making processes) give me relatively unnecessary input. I know that in the end, it's all body wash, but I want the one that smells like pomegranite because I had a weird love affair with the scent of pomegranite last summer, and my old shampoo/conditioner used to smell like pomegranite, and now that I'm using different shampoo I need some pomegranite in my life, and I don't want to have to explain that to my random well-meaning family members.
I have my reasons.

This is why I used to go to CVS by myself. I'd just wander around. It was great.

Then we got pedicures which was nice except that the woman tried to attack me with her viscious sandpaper torture device. Besides that blip, I did get a lovely lavender color on my toes, so... all's well that ends well.

I've just been stressing out all day and getting worked up over random things. What I need is to blog and run around on the internet for a while, but there hasn't been time for that.
Now there is. I feel much better already.

Blogging is sort of like a drug for me. It keeps my internal monologue from getting to out of sync with reality. If I'm being a crazy person in my head, usually it goes unchecked, but I like to think that I have to acknowledge my madness if I write it down.

Anyway. Expect another blog post tomorrow, and the day after, and forever more, and if I stop, know that I am either busy (e.g. yesterday) or completely losing my mind (e.g. yesterday).

Love always,


goodbye, switzerland!

I'm leaving. Again.
I think I'm getting used to this itinerant life though. Maybe I should be a Foreign Service Officer. Or door-to-door Bible salesman.

I feel very tempted to bring the kitchen sink.

I went to school today. I needed to pick up my yearbook, and I wanted to bid my ISB friends adieu. I also wanted to steal some music from Thomas's USB, but that didn't exactly work out (coughthomasisafailurebutjkilovehimcough), so he's going to do something fantastic to get me his awesome music, somehow. I trust him.

I'm going to miss the ISB kids. I've gotten so used to their antics. I've grown accustomed to their faces. I've sang songs that I've written in front of them. They've seen me at my best and some of them have seen me at my worst as well. I edited (read: designed) their yearbook, and had to pretend to have some knowledge of the general zeitgeist. But, just as Heisenburg would have predicted, my observation altered the result. I think.
(Wow, I just grossly oversimplified quantum mechanics. Sorry, Heisenburg.)

In any case, they're great and I'm going to miss them and I have this feeling that my absence will be noticed. If anything, with Emily and I gone, it's going to be a lot quieter in the hallways. To which I say, to hell with that. I'm going to be making hallways noisy somewhere else.

At least two of them twitter, so that's a plus. Thomas, I know you're reading this, and I expect you to at least tweet music recommendations at me. And get me that USB. Somehow. I will try to spread the gospel of Freelance Whales to the greater Providence area. And, of course, Marina.

I'm tempted to give everyone shout outs right now, but that's going to get lengthy and awkward and boring to anyone who doesn't know whom I'm talking about. Let it be said, instead, that all of you will go far (essentially, at the risk of sounding pompous, I don't hang out with people who aren't destined for great things).
If you have the chance, come to university in America (or even elsewhere on the east coast of the North American continent) so we can hang out. I'm looking at you, Kajus. And Adelene. And whomever else.

Any of you, feel free to send me your TOK essays. I'll be sure to get high on shrooms before editing. Then you're sure to get a 7. Because, you know, that's how TOK works.*
What is reality anyways?

All in all, I love you guys, and I'm off to college, and I'll see you in December.

Love always,

*Disclaimer: I've never done shrooms. Mom, calm down.


somehow i think my google results are okay

First, a real conversation from this afternoon--

Mom: Is that you?
Me: Who?
Mom: That girl.
Me: No.
Mom: She looks like you.
Me: Mom, she's black.
Mom: She's wearing sunglasses.

This is what happens when mom looks over my shoulder as I newsfeed-stalk. She can't tell the difference between a news feed and a profile I don't think, so she thinks every item is related to me in some way.

Speaking of facebook and the internet (and the crazy way we live our lives these days), Daphna is very concerned about her google results. When one googles Daphna, the fifth result is her involvement in a facebook group called "Whenever I feel down I listen to the Enormous Penis song and everything's OK"
enormous penis = rejection
the colleges don't have time for your penises
they stalk facebook
they can google my name
they get SO MANY applications
i feel like they only facebook stalk if they're really super not sure. or bored.
if i google you
the first thing i get is
clara beyer (clarabellum) on Twitter
its been said i'm a tender spanish lover. also, naked romps lead to jail.
twitter.com/clarabellum - Cached - Similar
and somehow brown let me in
brown might be down with the naked romps. i doubt princeton is down with orgies and enormous penises. they are less chill. they're presbyterian for god's sake.
For god's sake.

Tomorrow is my last real day in Switzerland. I'm going to school to pick up my yearbook, and getting my final shit together. And on Wednesday, I fly to Boston.
This is insane.

In other news, there's an awesome thunderstorm going on right now. I love storms.

This has been a random blog post, brought to you by Clara's tired brain and an excess of date bars.

Love always,


dancing panda

Enough with the real world.
Check out this panda.
He's going to find the guy who's climbing in your windows, snatching your people up. HE'S GONN FIND YOU.

Love always,


new songs, and me being a stresscase

I had an interesting night. Instead of going into it, I'm going to show you the music I downloaded today.

Internet Killed the Video Star - The Limousines
Young Blood - The Naked & Famous
Corporation Town - Thomas Patrick Maguire
Kiss With a Fist - Florence + The Machine
Sorrow - The National
Teenage Dream - Katy Perry
When I'm Alone - Lissie

I've decided I need to make a playlist for "Things in general are not so bad or scary". I've always been a crazy stresscase. I try to pretend that I used to be a crazy stresscase, but that's a lie. I've just gotten better at talking myself down from things.
Sometimes though, I can't totally talk myself down. And I go straight back into stresscase-mode.

When I was younger, I'd get sent into this state by little random things (that my mother would tell you were just projections of greater issues). If I didn't think I'd unplugged the glue gun, I'd stay up at night in a cold sweat with a stomach ache just thinking about my impending doom, and plotting possible ways to get down to the basement/craft room without alerting my parents to my insanity.
Getting slightly older, this would be prompted by an unprovoked certainty that I was failing 10th-grade-world-history (because I got a B on the last essay and haven't done my reading for this week and it's already thursday OH MY GOD MY LIFE IS OVER). And there was no unplugged glue-gun that I could check. I could get up at two in the morning and do the reading, but that wasn't a done deal.

Anyway, I think that I need a playlist to combat these moods. One can't always get up in the middle of the night and run to check the glue gun or do a week's worth of World History reading or dash off to the emergency room.
Sometimes, you need to sleep.

Maybe one of these days I'll get a good night sleep. Perhaps on the airplane back.
Perhaps not.

Love always,

four days until i leave, and this is what i've got

Things found in one of my college suitcases:
  1. No fewer than four scarves
  2. Hooker boots
  3. Several white T shirts
  4. A leopard print Snuggie (tm)
  5. A little globe. (It's blue!)
  6. Some anarchist art
  7. My Mclean Youth Lacross windbreaker from sixth grade.
Still the only windbreaker I own. I can't imagine how big that must have been on my 6th-grade self.

I feel like college is a joke.
A very funny one, at that.

Love always,


not even if it were in malibu!

I tried to explain the premise of The Purity Myth to Grace last night.
I'm not sure I got anywhere.

Now I'm at home wondering what to do with myself. I'm organizing a night out tomorrow night, so that's something, but right now I'm at home telling my parents that no, I wouldn't like to play cards with them, actually.

Obviously, in my spare time I talk to David about political issues.
and you know the area around ground zero isn't all hallowed ground anyway
sometimes i think there should be stimulus spending for cocktails
there's a strip club on the same block
boost the economy AND calm everyone down
are you saying strip clubs are not hallowed ground?????????????????
We are such serious pundits. There is definitely a talk show career for the both of us somewhere out there.
Now we're discussing the fact that he didn't end up going to Pepperdine.
im still sad i am not living in malibu though, but i realized it would be like going to rehab for 4 years
i'd rather not go to rehab
even if it WERE in malibu
thats like amy whinehouse, only polite rich girl remix
"i'd rather not go to rehab even if it were in malibu no no no!"
David comes up with the greatest song lyrics. Here's a list.

Reasons David should be a Lyricist:
  1. "I aborted my crush on you! hoo hoo hoo!"
  2. "Blame it on the ve-e-e-e-e-eggie cheese!"
  3. "i'd rather not go to rehab even if it were in malibu no no no!"
David should put this blog post on his resume because I am recommending so many professions for him.
i totally walked past your house today

That's not creepy at all.

Love always,


real live humans

It's been a wonderful day for a skype-chat. I'm telling Mackenzie about our crazy house-guests.

Me: They're like, real live humans now, not just random fetuses.

Mackenzie just found out that her campus is dry, and fairly serious about it, but not too serious, thankfully.

Me: At least you're not going to Brigham Young.
Mackenzie: What?
Me: The mormon university?
Mackenzie: Oh. I thought you said Bring-Him-Yum. Like, bring him the goods. I was like... what?

She would.
On an unrelated note, tonight at dinner, we got into a conversation about Star Wars with the "real live humans".

Me: Are the Jedi humans though? I'm not really sure.
Addison: They are, they are! Um... but... they are but they aren't.
Me: Exactly.

Someone gave us a flamboyant Bern-themed flask. It's got Bern-pride tassels and a Bern bear and Bern colors everywhere. I kind of want to bring it to college with me, as the requisite swiss-paraphernalia.
Mom is not sure that this is a good idea.
I think it's a great idea.
I could just put it in my dorm room and admire it from a distance. It could go right next to my globe and my postcards because I am just so international.

I hope I don't become obsessed with my world travels.
It seems likely, unfortunately.

Mackenzie: My singing lumberjack man... the man of my dreams.

I can't even comment on that.

Love always,

things that make me smile

This seems like a valid and worthwhile exercise.
  • Proper grammar.
  • Marina and the Diamonds
  • Postcards (but not sending them)
  • Pretty photography
  • Ellie Goulding
  • Being obsessed with my music statistics on last.fm (link on the right, for the curious)
  • There's this bouncy ball that my boss had on her desk and I've stolen it and now it's on my desk and I play with it when my attention span crashes and burns (as it tends to do)
  • My iPhone
  • When grown women read Twilight as if it were some kind of legitimate literature
  • Coleridge
  • Keats
  • Kerouac
  • Camus
  • Alliterations that make me sound perhaps more intellectual than I am
  • "Indeed." "Indeed what?" "Indeed speaks for itself!" "Oh? And what does it have to say?"
  • An Alaskan Silverwolf typing up a quick confidentiality agreement on his treehouse iMac
  • Little Weirdo stories
  • Big dogs
  • Little dogs
  • Chili dog
  • Wikipedia
  • Beans on toast, and the associations this snack now has
  • Naked romps that lead to jail (Buy yourself some clothes at a rummage sale! Naked plans lead to epic fails!)
I acknowledge that this list probably stopped making sense about halfway through.
That's okay. This is my blog and I don't have to be comprehensible if I don't feel like it.

Love always,


um guys packing is hard

So I just started legitimately packing. I've managed to fit probably half my wardrobe into one pink (monstrous) suitcase. I'm impressed by my ability to increase the density of my apparel.
Speaking of things that are only impressive to me, check out my ability to make packing skills sound like some kind of scientific achievement!

I'm not sure about this whole college thing. Packing my clothes sort of reminded me that it would in fact be me going to Brown in twelve days, and not some idealized super-capable future version of myself. If this college-attending person is wearing my clothes, she's probably me.
The problem is that I can't visualize it. Every time I picture college, I picture myself alone in my room, without friends, without any involvement in anything, and without good grades, trying to watch Gossip Girl and pretend life isn't happening.

I know this is preposterous.
I managed to make friends this year (after a few, shall we say, false starts), and I was probably involved in every extracurricular group short of the basketball team (and, I was involved with a member of the basketball team, and I think that counts). And hey, my grades were good enough to get me into Brown in the first place.
So obviously I'm not a friendless boring sloth in real life.
But I have this horrible irrational fear that I will become an incredibly drab person as soon as I arrive at this wonderful place.

Anyone else freaking out?

Love always,

P.S. The weird part about this is that I know at least a couple future classmates of mine read this, and hopefully I'll develop something of an audience once I get to college.
What if they eventually read this post and become aware of my insecurities? Heaven forbid.
These are the paranoid thoughts I have. Hi, future classmates.


gotta get my shit together gotta gather my shit

I downloaded some new music today.

Nothing But Change, Pt. 2 - Harlem Shakes
Challengers - The New Pornographers
A Message - Coldplay
Signs - Bloc Party
Slow Show - The National
Warning Sign - Coldplay

Not a huge load, but I'm a fan of all of it, and that's what matters, right?

Our houseguests are freaking me out.
They're wonderful people, really. My mom's old assistant (from an absurdly long time ago) is here with her husband and three young daughters, all of whom are completely adorable, by the way.
The issue is, when I was about twelve, I sort of semi-babysat for them, as a summer job. She was pregnant with her youngest. Her oldest was three.
Now, this girl whom I knew only as a baby bump is six years old. The oldest is nine! And they're all adorable and charming.
What the hell?!

In other news, I've been in Switzerland for a year today.
Also, I leave for America in ten days.

I need to start packing...

Love always,


we should all be more like bananas

I was reading the back of my cereal box this morning (as I tend to do), and came across this line--
"We should all be more like bananas."

Apparently bananas have the ideal lifestyle, and we should aspire to be more like them.
I hadn't realized this was the case.

Didn't bananas cause some serious civil unrest in South America?

Not sure I want to be like a banana.

Yesterday I skyped with David. When he's at his summer house, he tends to skype with me from his bathroom for various architectural reasons.

Me: David!
David: Yep, here I am, in a dimly lit room, sitting on the toilet. You know how I roll.

He had some pretty funny stories about girls with dry hair and kids who are just discovering parties and being a high-class chauffeur. Then we talked about America's problems. It was awesome.

I've got to go, because I'm only on chapter 8 of my current Pretty Little Liars book, and I want to know what's going to happen next.

Love always,


cool photo, yeah?

I just really like this picture and wanted to post it.
Yeah I took that.

Love always,

i'm so itchy

I got probably a million bug bites today.
Now I'm debating whether to go to work tomorrow. I probably should. I have things to do there.

Today I brought Chili to work. I decided he and I both needed some excitement.
He, of course, ended up sitting on the floor under my desk, bored out of his mind. I told him, welcome to office life. He made this horribly sad whining noise.
I agreed.

Now I'm talking to Chris. I'm not sure why I do that.
yeah i color outside the lines too
i'm a crazy badass like that
colouring outside the lines is a sign of incompetence
i'm post-competent
not bad-assness
like, post-structuralist? or post-modern?
like, i've gone through the "competent" phase and now i've moved on to "post-competent"
like door-post?
or fence-post
or even better
(i am literally shaking my head right now)
Like... wow.

He doesn't realize that he's basically an existentialist. I've tried to explain it to him.
I spend a lot of time explaining things like existentialism and Freud and the passive-perfect-participle to the kids here. They don't seem to be absorbing much of it.
Except Simone. He's really absorbing this Freud business. I think it haunts him a little bit.

Earlier I was talking to Chris about leeches. How we get onto these topics is so beyond me.

Chris: Leeches suck.
Me: Literally!
Chris: No, figuratively.
Me: That was a pun. I was really proud of it...
Chris: Oh.

I can't wait to go to a place where people understand when they're being existentialist and will put up with my puns. I sure hope Brown is that place. I feel like it will be.

Love always,


stories of romeo

I ran into Percy's brother Romeo the other day and we had a priceless encounter that I really can't repeat here. Romeo is 14.
I'm talking to Percy now.
romeo is crazy
romeo is hilar
adi would have been like "oh hi whatever" but romeo was like "OHHHHHHH"
hes just funny
one time my parents came home late
and he was standing right in front of the fridge
and like 2 am
and they are like what are you doing
and he says
im taking my medicine
but he was making toast
We generally run into one of Percy's brothers when we go to the pool, because they live around there.
Apparently Romeo has asked the same 8th grade girl out maybe three or four times. He will grow up to be relentless like his brother, although, by the looks of it, less successful.

Went shopping today. Wasn't I just thinking about how I have far too much clothing? Whatever. I bought very practical things like soft v neck shirts and dark wash jeans (because obviously I don't have enough of those).
(But really. All of my dark wash jeans lose their darkness after a couple months. Mom theorized that I wash them too much, but I really don't! Generally I'll wear jeans a few times before I wash them)

I also packed a suitcase of things for college. They're things I won't see until October (long story involving not-going-home-until-christmas), but it's a step.

That's what I've been up to.

Love always,


last night

i get knocked down, originally uploaded by csb324.

I spent almost the whole time taking sweet pictures like this one.

Love always,

some songs

I bought some songs!

Jump In the Pool - Friendly Fires
Black & Blue - Miike Snow
Always Like This - Bombay Bicycle Club
I Don't Know What to Do - Pete Yorn & Scarlett Johansson
Green Eyes - Coldplay
Let Your Love Grow Tall - Passion Pit
Runaway - The National
Ready to Start - Arcade Fire
Mine - Taylor Swift

I don't know why it took me this long to download Jump In the Pool. I sing it in my head every time I jump into a pool, or someone else jumps into a pool, or someone even tangentially mentions swimming pools.

Also, my love for TSwift will never die.

Love always,


i like being smacked around a little bit.

I went out tonight and took a million cool pictures. I learned how to drag the shutter all by myself, using the power of logic and absolutely no outside instruction.
I was very proud.

Totally stole the concept from Ella B (who obviously invented it). I've been stalking her photos on facebook because apparently she went to super-cool-photo-camp.
Anyway, I felt the need to disclose that.

Amelia: Cacy's drunk! She says her poodle has bunions!
Cacy: That's a lie! I don't even have a poodle!

We went to the park and spun people around on these playground toys. I mostly photographed.

Now I'm skyping with David. He's telling me about a pretty sad attempt at being served underage. The girl would, upon being asked for ID, pretend she had no idea what was going on.

David: So I was like, did you want the waitress to think you were already retarded, so she couldn't damage you any further with some alcohol?

David: So after she'd been smacked around by the waves a bit, she decided it was too much for her. I think that's the fun part though.
Me: Yeah, I like being smacked around a little bit.

It's true. There are very few things I enjoy more than going into the ocean and getting knocked around by nature.
I really should go to bed now though. I've got work tomorrow.
David's telling me about wordplay though, and I'm finding it hard to drag myself away.

David: So here's the mad sick nasty wordplay. I mean, I don't want to build it up too much. It's just wordplay.

That's wordplay, bitches.

Love always,


russian winnie the pooh!

The degree to which I enjoyed this is almost embarrassing.
Not that I speak russian or anything. But it was (for the most part) not that hard to figure out what was going on.

Love always,

P.S. At 1:52, when the fishes jump? I giggle every time!

simone meets freud meets my mother

Kyle and I tried to explain Freud to Simone last night.
That went well.

Simone: That fucking guy is so fucked, man!

Somehow, being told that he secretly wanted to get nasty with his own mother didn't go over so well. I can't imagine why.

I was actually out with my cousin and his harem of Georgia boys last night, but they decided to go in early and watch Zoolander. I wasn't going to question that decision; Zoolander is unquestionably one of the greatest movies of the last twenty years. I wasn't in the mood for an early night though, so I stayed out a bit longer.
This resulted in extreme judgment from my mother. What else is new?

I really don't know what her issue is lately. I'm sure she or some other family member will read this and have their own comments, and I welcome that below (see: Comments). She's spent the past few months being as judgmental as humanly possible, perhaps in a misguided attempt to preserve my 16 year old self before I go to college. I'm not sixteen though, and I don't think she would actually ask me to regress if I asked her explicitly.
Dad has said that she's just worried because I'm going to college and she won't be around to monitor my activities anymore. I'm of the opinion, naturally, that she's in no position to monitor my activities anyway, seeing as I'm legally an adult, and I have pretty good judgment anyway.
I've made far more good decisions than bad ones. They should all trust me by now.
But, for whatever reason, she doesn't.
This is bothering me.

Back to Freud.
In the Oedipus Complex, the child in question feels that to become powerful, he must overthrow the current dictator, his father. It wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that this is what's going on right now. My mother thinks she should be the one calling the shots for me, and I'm going to reject that.
(I would call that an Electra Complex, but I really don't want to get penis envy involved in any of this)

Anyway, that's been my life lately.

Love always,


i'm so judgmental (?!)

I've realized something startling about myself.
I am really judgmental in one particular area.
I'd always considered myself a pretty easy-going non-judgmental person. To each his own, right?
Apparently I've been lying to myself. Because if someone is walking around with an "@yahoo.com" email address, I'm going to assume they're a fourth grader. And if you still have a "@aol.com" address that you use on a regular basis, I want you to know that you don't have to pay for dial up anymore, so it's okay to switch. And if your email address in any way references tigger, and you're on my spouse-list, I'm going to wonder who you are and why you're doing this to yourself.

I'm an email-address bitch.

I just spent fifteen minutes plugging email addresses into my contact list so that I can inform the spouses about things when my boss is gone, and I spent the whole time judging people. I've found that the only email addresses I respect are ones that end in "@gmail.com" or ".gov". I suppose I would also respect a ".edu", but I didn't see any of those so I'm going to say that's irrelevant.

Why do so many people use yahoo? Or hotmail?
Gmail is so much better! Come on, guys! Join the 21st century! We're a whole decade into the 2000s! You do not need to be using Yahoo!

I may make this my new personal cause-- to spread the word of Gmail and convert the heathens. Wish me luck.

Love always,


living arrangements!

I know where I'm living next year!
And it's a cool place!
And I know with whom I'm living too!

Such a good mood. I checked my email at chris's house, because I'm a freak, and all the info was there. I'm living on Keeney quad, which is full of freshman and apparently really lively, and my roommate is from Massachusetts and her name is Genevieve and she likes Passion Pit. That's basically all I know about her, because she hasn't accepted my facebook friend request yet.
I also sent her an email.
Perhaps I'm a little too enthusiastic.

I should calm down.

This is so exciting though.
So exciting that it's kept me up 45 minutes past my bedtime. I should really sleep at some point, preferably soon.

I started rambling to Chris and his brother about the importance of mini-fridges for the purpose of buying little iced coffees and keeping them cold.

Me: So, if I want an iced coffee in the morning instead of a proper breakfast, I can take it from my mini fridge and not have to buy one! It's so useful!
Chris: *looks at me as if I am mad*
Me: It's a normal thing to do! Andrew, you're in college. Isn't keeping iced coffees in your mini fridge a normal thing to do, if you like iced coffee?
Andrew: What? I don't know. I mostly kept beer in mine freshman year.
Me: Oh... my country doesn't really let you do that...

I was serious about the iced coffee. Also, diet coke. I'd really only like a mini-fridge for the purpose of keeping my caffeine chilled.

I love college already.

Love always,



Okay, I'm home and sort of rested.
Let's talk about europe.

Best vacation ever. Paris was gorgeous. We went to museums and went shopping and avoided most of the touristy areas. And we cooked. I made bruscetta. Eleni and I ran around with false identities calling everyone grapefruits. It was awesome.
Then we went to Berlin and became obsessed with their traffic-man, the Ampelmann. I bought some art from this anarchist community in an abandoned warehouse. We ate currywurst. I discovered that canadians are strangely drawn to me. Not sure what that's about, but it's a bit alarming.
The train from Berlin to Prague was a mess but we made it and that's what's important. Prague is absolutely beautiful. We went to a castle and a bar crawl and a classical music concert. We came back to our hotel room and ate breakfast cake with nutella.
Three short flights later we're in Santorini, in the back of a taxicab with a madman, with whom I was probably rude. Worth it. We discuss my entitlement. I would say "entitlement issues" but I don't see any issue with thinking I deserve not to be killed in the back of a taxi or be overcharged for margharitas or forced to stand on a public bus. If all the seats are taken, fine, but if there are free seats, who says anyone else deserves to sit any more than I do?
We swim in the water. We go to a volcano. We swim in hot springs. We take naps, we take busses, we learn to like tomatoes. That last one was just me.
I walk into a potted plant. That's what you get for trying to walk and text at the same time.

All the while, we're reading Pretty Little Liars out loud, reading epic lines like "Hanna's adam's apple bobbed" and "Rain made Aria think of rainy days" and "woosh!"
We are entertained.

Now I'm home and I'm actually at work.
Promise me that if I ever begin to think a job in an office sounds like fun, you will all find me and smack me and redirect me to these recent blog posts. It's all bitterness and bitchiness and obsession with protocol. And I am not a fan.

Yesterday I went for coffee with Chris because I needed to get out of the house. I'm in this state of mind that I'm an independent person, and being in my home just puts me in the jurisdiction of people whom I don't need. Being out of the house means I'm on my own.
I leave for college in 22 days though.
I really need that.

Love always,


home, and just in time

I promise, you will get a full fledged eurotrip-recap-blog-post tomorrow. Possibly even complete with pictures.
But right now, I'm home, and I'm going to run out and meet the swiss kids for August 1st (the Swiss 4th of July) celebrations in about thirty minutes, and my hair is still wet.

However, I'm back in my own room. I'm wearing clean clothes for possibly the first time in weeks. I took a really long shower. So I'm in a really good mood.

Love always,