

I like my job.
I do.

However, something about the government and the standards there just don't grok well with me.
It has come to my attention that my writing style is considered "irreverent".
It has also come to my attention recently that this particular style is going underappreciated in areas other than my blog.

To which I say, to hell with that.

Fuck reverence.
I mean, I suppose reverence as a general concept is worth holding onto in society, for certain circumstances (see: childbirth, pretty sunsets, the president if he's in the room).
But reverence for the sake of reverence because the lack of reverence would be considered inappropriate? That's circular!
I hope to never work in an office. Everything is catty and messy and I want to write a big expose on all of the scandals (OMG someone borrowed our copy of that travel book without asking) except knowing me, it would be irreverent, and that won't do.
No one can step on anyone's toes, but everyone's toes are stepped upon.

And now my toes feel sore.
And I have to watch myself.
And I hate that.

I'm clumsy. I walk into things, people, if it's there, I'll probably stumble upon it somehow. And I've taken this trait and incorporated it into my persona, my affect, my unescapable Clara-ness that would be very difficult to reverse at this point in the game.

I believe I've been known to say too much and maybe that's what I'm doing now.

All of this is just proving to me that I'm not cut out for a traditional career of any kind. Anyone know any non-traditional careers that I might enjoy that would definitely without a shadow of a doubt keep me out of office life forever?
That would be awesome, thanks.
I spent like an he subwayibf caarilus places
ok that was ibxomprehendible
I just talked to Daphna on AIM. If it helps her case, she was typing from an iPod Touch.

Love always,

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