
A good sort of day for wandering alone

That sounds way more depressing than it is.

I got to school really early this morning. I went to breakfast club, but I got THERE early (and early for breakfast club is really early, we're talking like, 6:45) and chilled by myself at school for a little bit. played the piano, watched the sky. I like the crossroads (a place in my school). It's great before 7.
There's a great line in a Miley Cyrus song (I know. I was surprised too). It goes:
"Wake up, here we go, cram it all down my throat,
stomach's so full that I wish I could choke
7AM my head's already in a spin"
When I was driving to school today, I figured, it must be something about 7 AM, because at 6:45 I was totally calm.
So then after school I decided I needed three things
a) small plastic animals (to symbolize my muse and inner critic-- it's a NaNoWriMo thing)
b) gum (as always)
c) a spork (Another NaNoWriMo thing)
So I decided to figure out my way around the area around my school. Went to Safeway. Looked for sporks to no avail (plastic spoons and forks abound, but no hybrid silverware...). And then I went to Tree Top Toys and found Henry and Norman. Henry is my inner critic. He's a rather realistic-looking rubber type turtle. He's slow, but he's convincing. Norman is a little turquoise wind-up dinosaur. He's my muse. He's silly and he goes places.
I also found an uglydoll keychain for my keys, because my happy orphan lanyard broke. I had a beaded lanyard that orphans made in africa. But they weren't exploited orphans, they were orphans who made things to boost their own self-esteem. Happy orphans. Or so my friend told me- he was in africa this summer and got me the lanyard.
So in Tree Top Toys I asked where I might find a spork. When they asked, I said it was for the same reason I needed a little plastic dinosaur, which seemed to satisfy them i suppose. They said 'Try Giant' and gave me general directions ("you know this road you're on? turn right out of here and keep going"- i'm an idiot). 
Getting out of the car at Giant, this guy says "You're nice and slim. You have it easy! I'm big and fat. Have a good day" and gets in his car and drives away.
I was bewildered, but quite flattered.
No sporks at Giant either. I'm going to have to order one online or something; I need a spork.

Grace decided she would walk home from the gym today, much to my mom's terror. It's a long walk.

So basically, wandering around has been a theme today.
I have a lot of homework though, and I want to watch House tonight. And read. 
Life is hard.
But it's good, because I QUIT MY SAT TUTOR. So I am a happy person.

Love always,


things that can consistently make me simle

Gossip Girl
The Office
My dog

I like kickball and sunsets.

And tomorrow I yet again enter the exciting and yummy world of the religiously devoted.
Mmmm, holiness.

Love always,


College trip, part two

The Princeton Narrative

So my Dad and I had to wake up insanely early yesterday morning to catch a train. Took train, went to starbucks, talked to cab driver about his insane mortgage issues, got dropped off at princeton. It was raining and dreary but beautiful regardless. We go to one building where Vladmir the friendly security guard (sarcasm) tells us we can't go in but should go to this OTHER building. so we go there, and they send us somewhere ELSE, and on the way to this third place we run into other confused looking people, and we eventually figure out where we're going. The information session was informative, but nothing groundbreaking. The tour was cute and rainy and multiple Hogwarts references were made. So I was happy.
Then Dad and I had lunch in the student center (good food by the way) and met up with Daphna (yay!) and then later her sister (who I had never met but is way cool). So then her sister showed me her dorm room and we all chilled there for a bit. And then we got ice cream and I had to go home.
That is the epic story of Princeton University.

Daphna's sister said the math program sucks- darn
Quite pretty, except the school of architecture, which is easily the ugliest building on campus (ironic much?)
Good food
Seems like it would attract a certain type of person- do I want to be that person? Maybe. Not sure.

Currently if I had to rank the three I've seen, it would go

So that's cool. I liked it.

Love always,



I love the rain. It makes you feel real.
At the same time, it makes you want to take a nap. Also a kind of nice cuddly feeling.
And it kind of casts a weird light on your whole day, and you can spin that however you want to. It's a weird day. It's an off day. It's a rainy day. You can really do whatever you want and chalk it up to being thrown off by the rain.
Rainy days are free-pass days.
My answer to almost anything today was:
*shrug* It's raining.

That's about all I have to say about today. It rained.
"Pluit. Iterum pluit. Semper pluit"
That should be the motto of like, a town in Washington or somewhere else rainy. Translation for the non-latin nerds?

Oh whatever. Look it up, lazy people.
I hope one person will remember what that's from though. Hint: It was spoken with an amazing accent.

Coming Attractions:
College trip part 2- Princeton
Whatever madness Daphna and I get into
Into the fishbowl- Life in the sophomore class party scene
And more!

Love always,


Wandering thoughts

I'm trying to study for my AP US test tomorrow. The thing is, when my brain is trying to learn about the American Revolution, my mind goes all kinds of other, more interesting places. 

I've been thinking of strange love metaphors. Last week people were sparkly rooms. Today they're mazes. Interesting mazes that you can get lost in. Like hedge mazes. Those are fun. A lot of times at this point in life we walk into a maze, we wander around for a bit, we find our way out, we had fun but are glad we know where we are now. And sometimes I suppose the walls can just fall over, but it doesn't happen as often as you'd think.
The point of this was that the door has to be unlocked first. Otherwise we're all wandering around knowing exactly where we are but not knowing what the point is.

My puppy jumped up onto my bed a moment ago. I don't think he's a maze. I love him though. He just kind of pokes around the way puppies do...

There's this tree outside my window. When it's windy, the tree scrapes my window and sounds like a monster or something. When we first moved here it freaked me out, now I pretend I'm friends with the monster. Or that we have a friendly rivalry, at least.
"Scratch all you want silly, I'm snuggled in and you can't get me"

How all of this came from contemplating mercantilism, I'll never know.

Love always,

It is a dark and stormy night...

But other than that, quite nice. The Office premieres tonight, I have surprisingly little post-illness homework, I have gum (5 cobalt) and four new songs. Songs of recovery:
Simple Song - Miley Cyrus
Here I Dreamt I was an Architect - The Decemberists
Cannonball - Damien Rice
Chicago - Sufjan Stevens
Have literally been listening to these four on repeat basically all day, and owe my relatively-better health to them (although insane amounts of sleep and recommended-dose of advil didn't hurt)

Our phone has been disconnected. This doesn't worry anyone. I didn't even know until I tried to call Katie up for homework and got no dial tone. I go downstairs to use the phone there, and it doesn't work... I ask Mom what's going on, she just offers me her cell phone (mine is dead). I tell her that usually the phones being disconnected is a sign of *incredibly bad things happening*.
She says she doesn't know why the phones don't work, but doesn't have an issue with it. Actual quote from my mother:
"I've been picking up the messages. It just doesn't ring. It's kind of nice"
This woman is insane. I threatened to blog about her. I FOLLOW THROUGH.
I'll admit though, sleeping through most of the day is far easier when the phone isn't ringing all the time.

Off to do that homework then... blegh. Must be done by 9, when The Office starts.

Love always,





Love always,


I'm sick

And i'm not happy about it.

I saw a squirrel die today. It got hit by a car. It kind of bounced, actually.

Love always,


Monday night sleepover.

They're fun. I should be studying for my latin test, and I am, but I'm also at a friend's house tonight. Why? Tomorrow I enter the mysterious tuesday-morning land of the religiously devoted.
It's called Breakfast Club.
And they meet on tuesday mornings at school. And they've been saying for a while now that it really is interesting when not-religious people attend. Which is where I come in, being the secularest of them all.
I'm not a big religion person.
I'm a people person.
I think people are good (mostly), and the people who don't do good things are probably too wrapped up in their backwards priorities to realize it. But according to those backwards priorities, they're doing the right thing too. So they just need their priorities rearranged, and no one can do that for them. They're on their own, when it comes down to it.
Anyway, Jesus said cool things, or the Bible tells me so, and that's awesome. Love your neighbor. Sweet. But all the bits of that same bible that are... physically impossible? I'm going to bet that they didn't actually happen.
And I personally think that the old testament is a little out there, but that's just my personal opinion. Pressuring a guy to kill his son? That's low, God.

So tomorrow morning I'm doing that. And this friend of mine goes all the time (she's actually religious, that's cool) and lives closer to school so I'm at her house tonight.
I'll let you know how it goes.

BTW, please remind me that I may or may not be sharing my interesting theory on love. It's interesting.

Oh and other interesting experiment of the day: If you read this, whoever you are, I don't care, leave a comment. I'm just curious.

Love always,


how the cool kids spend a saturday

10 AM- wake up. realize you slept in a sweatshirt, which gets uncomfortable and leads to strange dreams about painting a floor, your laptop battery dying, realizing that the movie theater is at the end of your street, and shaking little nerds-like balls around in paste to discover that someone is an alien.
12 PM- decide that if you're going to leave the house in the near future, you should take a shower. debate whether it's worth it. shower.
1 PM- go to CVS. buy a magazine, a diet coke, gum, and a 6 pack of mini boxes of raisins. yum (i'm eating one right now)
1:15 PM- drop off more Holga film. As always, get strange looks when you say that it's size 120. Decide you're going to have to figure out the right term for that.
1:30 PM- go to the bookstore. buy two books on getting into college and one about National Novel Writing Month.
2 PM- Go home. Read. When your parents come home, pretend you were reading Seventeen Magazine's article on America Ferrera's best fashion moments, and not Fiske Guide to Getting into the Right College. Chew a lot of gum. Eat some raisins.
5 PM- Go up to your room. Decide what to wear to the baseball game
6:15 PM- Leave for the baseball game with your parents. You are meeting friends there.
6:45 PM- Get to the box before the hosts. Awkwardly hang out with your parents. Yum, baby carrots.
7 PM- Hang out with non-parents at the baseball game. Watch the Nats lose. Again. Be fine with it.
10 PM- Leave. Wait for your parents to have an alarmingly uninteresting conversation with a woman who has been on two seperate boards with both of your parents. Suggest quietly that, since you have the keys, your parents could take the metro home, because you have to take a PSAT practice test in the morning. Get a really dirty look from your mother
10:30 PM- In the car, your dad will tell you about an interesting math problem that was on your sister's homework last night. Work it out on a Starbucks bag you find in the car.
11 PM- discover that you had misunderstood the problem and work it out again, on graph paper this time. Get the same answer your dad did, but in a different way. Feel good about that PSAT tomorrow morning.
11:25 PM- Blog.

Love always,


Love always,


I should appreciate my life more.

Instead, I'm complaining.
It's the frantic cry I've heard so many times.
"Where are the caterers?!"
(They did show up, no worries)
My parents are having two hundred people over for a cocktail party. My house can hardly handle the four of us, but we're having two hundred. I guess some will spill over into the garden. Regardless, I'm being a typical whiny brat about it. I don't know why I can't just be cool with it. There is NO REASON for me to be so bitter over this. And I can't even pull the whole "Oh look at them they're so shallow with their cocktail party" thing, because it's a fund raiser for Mark Warner (who really doesn't need any more money because he's outraised Gilmore by like, ten thousand billion dollars, but it's a nice gesture regardless, no?). A noble cause. Nothing to complain about.
Except that I'm up here, locked in my room, keeping the dog out of the caterers' way. He's whimpering. I don't blame him.

Love always,


One thing I've noticed...

... and a friend told me this before i experienced it myself, but she is so completely right:
You begin to cherish the time you have in the car by yourself.
Like, at first it was way weird because no one was there to tell me if I should switch lanes or turn on the radio for me or any of that, but now, i enjoy it
I got stuck in traffic on the way home today. It wasn't bad. I rolled down my windows and blasted a combination of the camp rock soundtrack and coldplay. No one could tell me not to. It was good.
We all need that i think. When I'm driving I don't have to care.

I had two classes today. Two. Physics and History. How great is that?

I've realized that I only have two female teachers- my english teacher and my history teacher. The rest are men. Maybe it's because I'm taking two sciences, but it seems to question that whole 'most teachers are women' idea.
Another stereotype to be questioned- the "girls aren't as good at math and science" stereotype.
In my AP chem class, there are five juniors. We're all girls.
In my accelerated precal class, there are nine girls. And four guys.
In my Physics MM class (the advanced one. It's physics mathematical modeling, not "physics. mmmm"), there are a whole bunch of us. and three guys.
So looking around, I'm seeing a lot of girls who are rocking the math/science world.
Hell yeah.

I've decided I want to live in the shadow of mountains. Today the clouds were looking like mountains and it reminded me of Germany. Germany was beautiful. Is beautiful. And those clouds looking like mountains were kind of breathtaking.

Love always,


The modern pen-pal

Last spring, I went to Germany and Austria with my school chorus. It was awesome.
There were these German kids who lived in the town in which we were staying. We met them (they were learning english in school, my german sucks- more on that later) and later friended a few on facebook.
The following Facebook messages are in no way fabricated:

[semi-normal conversation]
German Girl: Want you soon also to marry then?
Me: hehehe at some point. probably not soon. I'll wait a bit- save some time to be reckless, you know how it is :)
GG: Yes :-) enjoy it :-)
Me: exactly :) so you don't plan to get married soon either
GG: I do not have yet sometimes a boyfriend, so it probably still lasts a little bit.
GG: How old are you?
Me: I'm 16. How old are you?
GG: Im 15. do you lie me in with the wedding
Me: :) maybe. my friend and i are engaged on facebook. i pretend for her sake that we're getting married (she would be devastated if she knew i didn't want to get married just yet) hehehe
GG: ohhh :-)) you are so.... i think it was real...
Me: hahaha not quite lol. i'm usually not serious
GG: okay. does she have of it really no notion? Why have you bound up to me this bear? I have thought it real. :-)

I love this girl. She is straight up hilarious and she doesn't even know.

Love always,

P.S. HOLGA PICTURES ARE HERE and I will upload them soon soon soon


chillin at school

I am actually at school at this very moment.
exciting, right?
I know I'M excited.
It's the dull ten minutes between getting out of a science quiz and getting dressed for outdoor ed. It's thrilling.

Not much homework tonight, but I'm sure i'll find some other way to waste my time...
Off to the real world. I ought not be so antisocial.

Love always,


By Jeeves+Gossip Girl=amazing.

I'm watching Gossip Girl (which is probably my new favorite show ever), and Chuck just referred to Lord Marcus as "Bertie Wooster"
As in "Wooster and Jeeves"
As in the basis for "By Jeeves", among the funniest musicals ever and the 2008 school musical.
It was a blast. And now I'm having mad flashbacks to that. So fun.
I'm so excited for the musical this year. No joke, it's going to be amazing.

Back to Gossip Girl. It's SO intense.

Love always,


Career Options

I'm kind of thinking I want to go into marketing. I mean, I kind of find that stuff fascinating.

But today has made me think, "Wow Clara, you should be a motivational speaker"
Because I know a crapload of ways to make yourself feel less like crap.
For example- writing happy things in big letters. Things like "YOU ARE GOOD AT THINGS" or "YOU ARE AMONG THE MOST AWESOME PEOPLE ALIVE". It sounds way weird and super vain, but whatever. Sometimes that kind of thing is necessary.
My favorite quotation of all time-
"You are not simple or vain or boring or mean. You're colorful, complex, and have a beauty that's all your own. And for the record, you're infinitely nicer than they give you credit for"
Great, right? It just makes you feel a little happier.

Of course, if that career option doesn't quite work out, I could be about half a billion other things.
Which I won't name now because I can't think of them... but I swear, there are options galore. For all of us.
I just really don't want to do something boring. See my time at the internship; I am not good at sitting at a desk feeling unenthused.

Love always,


So we have these neighbors. They're not actually our neighbors, but our back yards touch (with a brick wall between). And they're always looking over the wall. That's cool. It sounds way sketchier than it is; the lookers in question are under the age of ten and really just like my dog. They'd recognize Chili in an instant.
Us not so much, I guess.

It's funny when you see these neighbors on the street and say hi to the little ones. And they have NO IDEA who you are.
And suddenly YOU'RE the creeper, when they're the ones spying on your back yard.

The holga pictures STILL aren't in. It has definitely been three weeks. I am dying inside.

Love always,


Later on...

Went out. Went to CVS. Bought a different kind of gum. Read a magazine. Still feeling purposeless. Not feeling like writing complete sentences.

Interesting thing though- There was some kind of art festival on the way to CVS. You would think an art festival would bring out the classy sophisticated bunch, right?
Wrong. VERY wrong.
It was pretty funny.

Love always,

Lazy Saturday

All apologies for the bloglessness of yesterday. I was at a friend's house after school. Sorry, life-having>blog-making

But today there is no life-having, so blog-making it is. 
I should do homework... that's why I came home. But I just can't bring myself to do it. It's just not on the cards right now. What I want to do is go to CVS, but there I will buy gum and then the gum will give me a stomach ache as it has been doing recently, and I really can't have that. Then I'll just be more melancholy and nothing will be fixed.

And then there's the fact that I'm checking my email obsessively, about once every two hours, because I'm... a stress case? It's a long story, but I will explain later if the situation permits.

I really ought to do something purposeful. Either homework or going out or something else, i don't know, but I can't just sit here.
The computer has become my lungs. It is probably unhealthy.

Love always,


Not a happy camper

I have an insane amount of homework tonight. And I was going to go see a play about princess lea being an alcoholic or something, but now I can't. Because of the work.
And on a break i sent out text messages, and no one has responded.
I am sad.
But I'm listening to the radio, which has a strange ability to pick me up.
"Oh hot damn, this is my jam"
Now I just kind of want to throw my hands in the 'ayer'. Or curl up inside my sweatshirt and sleep. One or the other...

Love always,



It seems to be depriving me of 
a) time to write
b) interesting things to write about.

All apologies. Hopefully something interesting will happen soon. The tricky thing is that I've already decided no personal stuff goes here (there was an... incident, in 8th grade, with a message board on a website of mine, so I'm not going there again), so that's out, but when I'm in school I don't have many other interesting thoughts.
School eats souls.
And I could talk about reasons why I hate Xschool (not mine), but that would be mean, and people would know what school I was talking about as soon as I started describing it. And other situations like that.

One thing I CAN tell you is that Kayla and I are building a cast of "The Office" out of people from school. So far we have a Michael, an Andy, a Jim, a Kelly, a Dwight, and an Angela. And a possible Creed.
It's turning into a nice little hobby.

Love always,


Busy busy busy

The lack of blogging yesterday was appalling.
I personally felt appalled.

That's over. I was really busy yesterday, what with canoeing, doing math homework, reading about chemistry, etc.
I was really busy today too, actually, but that consisted more of going out to dinner with my mom and watching Gossip Girl online. I missed it yesterday, because I was too busy.

Now I'm fantastically un-busy, and might go to bed at ten, which would be absolutely amazing. I will be so focused and ready tomorrow morning. It will be fantastic.

We didn't have chorus today. I feel kind of incomplete. Tomorrow will be good.
It was also the first confusing-ish day of the new schedule (which makes infinitely less sense than the old one). We'll see how the next 8 days go, then I'll make a judgement.

Grace and Mom are freaking out about Sarah Palin. I'm trying to tell them to stop being so emotionally invested in something that looks about 50/50 right now. Be concerned, yes. Have an emotional meltdown, no.
If the communists got ahold of my family, those two could be convinced in an instant. And then they would dedicate themselves to promoting the cause.
Well, I'm glad at least that we're on the right side. 

Love always,


Well that was something.

Semi-awkward barbeque. Not really though. Just kind of sat around and ate chips and guacamole. I love guacamole. So there were no problems.

I should probably talk about something more meaningful and relevant. Lately the blogs have all been "Hey this is what is happening this very moment blah blah i'm bored kbye"
Not exciting. Not interesting.

Well, I will reach out to YOU then. You are very interesting people. Comment something interesting for me to blog about and I'll do it.
Off you go- inspiration awaits!

Love always,

Here I am

I told myself I wouldn't blog until I finished my homework.
How's that for motivation?

I went to the bookstore last night (looking for a magazine but I'm easily distracted). I wound up buying a bunch of books, one of which was kind of written in blog form. Please tell me I do not sound like this.
I was mildly horrified, but am now so curious about what is going to happen to these badly-writing unrealistic characters that I have to finish the damn thing.
I hate that. I can't not finish a book once I'm halfway through. I just can't.

Now it's a wonderful homeworkless sunday afternoon, and I'm off to a barbeque in a couple hours. Barbeques are significantly less fun when you're a vegetarian, but I'll adjust.

Love always,


Rainy day

Hannah is being annoyingly anti-climactic. I was really looking forward to a weather-related disaster.

I exfoliated my face in the shower with this in-shower-face stuff. If i were to choose two words to describe how your face feels:
Which makes a lot more sense if you've tried this stuff. A very strange sensation.

The rain is kind of a downer. I usually really like the rain, but when I'm stuck at home it's significantly less fun.

Love always,

Listening to the rain

I slept for 12 hours last night. I blame the rain.
I live on the top floor, you see, and the roof is some kind of metal.
Metal roof, meet hurricane.
I love it though. It's so relaxing.

The thing about sleeping that long is that you can have a lot of dreams. Dreams that you perhaps didn't so much want to have. Not nightmares, just dreams about really awkward situations.
Does anyone else get those?

I should do homework, but I probably won't until tomorrow because I'm a terrible slacker.

Love always,


A long week, and the nature of change

And the week has only been two days. Next week will be 2.5 times more exhausting. But honestly, even with all that's going on, I'm not worried about junior year. Everyone else seems to be, but I'm really not.

That said, I am so exhausted. The general madness of these couple days has been enough. But things will stabilize, the work will pick up, and it'll just be school all over again. 
I'm a believer in the idea that things never really change THAT much, not dramatically.
I might be the only one there. I was talking about this with someone a little while ago, saying how I never FEEL anything change. It's like that day or year or moment has always been like that, and things were never any different. But then you look back and say "Whoa wait. That actually happened?"
It's funny. My current theory is that things do change, obviously, but they do so very slowly in most cases. So if you aren't watching for it, you don't really notice.
That's my theory.

Love always,


This is the first time

I've been legitimately tired before midnight in a long time.
I'm thinking going to sleep would be a good idea. 
A BAD idea was to start brainstorming my plot for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Now I have a billion thoughts in my head about road trips to atlanta and big oil and mistaken identities.
it's like shakespeare, but modern.
and not good.
But incredibly fun to write.

National Novel Writing Month is basically the month (November) when you write a novel (50,000 words, roughly 100 pages). It's a blast and a half and I love it. This'll be my third year. 
I learned the first year that to keep going, you need a good plot.
I learned the second year that I am very much a fan of absurdity.
This year? An absurd plot, with more twists than a plate of spaghetti.
It is going to be epic.

Anyways, I am so tired, but I really want to start outlining it before I lose my enthusiasm. I should sleep. Good night, ducklings.

Love always,

School Days

Welcome to my Junior year.

It took about an hour to realize that all those young looking people I didn't recognize were freshmen. And another half-hour to realize that the old senior class really was gone. It's weird, being older than almost the whole school, K-12. There is only one grade above us; that's mind-blowing.

I got lucky with teachers this year. That can be said for a fact. Good classes too- there isn't a single one where I look around and think "oh crap, I have no friends in this class". It could be though that I've gotten more friends. Either way, it's all good.

Outdoor education started today too. It was pretty cool, but I need to start taking my allergy medicine again. All that nature is a little much for my poor sinuses.

Well, off to do HOMEWORK, which, of course, they assigned the first day. I have to write a 2-3 page essay on the book I had to read for AP US History. In one night. Not looking forward to that.
I guess you can't have your cake and eat it too...

Love always,


I have school tomorrow

Like, what?

That's kind of cool but kind of a pain in the something at the same time. I very much look forward to seeing everyone again, even random people who I never really talk to. And I have a strange desire to go to Chorus and hang out with Mr. Rich.
But I'm thinking I ought to go re read all those mid-summer identity crisis posts about how awesome this year is going to be. You know, to pump myself up.
Identity crisis? Try identity party.

Somehow those two words together made me laugh pretty hard just then.
"How was your summer?"
"It was great. I had an identity party"
I kind of want to have that conversation when I get to school, but I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be weirded out.

One conversation I KNOW I'll have when I get to school, because we've planned it:
"8 inches?!"
Isabella and I are weird people, and it's a long story that can be found in the pages of this very blog.

She and I went to a movie tonight. Summer's last stand. We saw sisterhood of the traveling pants 2 and we were the ONLY people in the theater. It was great because we could talk loudly and no one would care. Pictures to come. Because yeah, we took pictures.

Speaking of pictures, it'll probably be another week before I get my Holga pics. The guy I gave them to lied to me. It's two-three weeks to develop that stuff. I should find a place to do it myself.

I should go to bed. Really. I can't be tired for my FIRST DAY OF JUNIOR YEAR.

Love always,

Strange excitement

Today is the last day of summer.
I can't believe I typed that sentence. 
I should be overcome with some kind of depression right now, if this year is like any other year.
But I'm actually kind of weirdly excited. This year is going to be crazy. I can tell already.
I went and bought my textbooks today. There are a lot of them. It's not cool, how many there are, but I can take it. For real.
It's like what I was saying before though; this fall is absolutely not last fall, or the fall before that. It is an entirely different Fall. And considering last Fall wasn't exactly my favorite season due to nothing in particular, this one is looking up already.
But tomorrow I have to wake up at 6:40 and drive myself to school.
Which is simultaneously really cool and kind of freaky.
I'm doing my AP US History summer assignment thing, and not entirely hating it. Of course, I'm easily distracted, but that's just me being Clara.
I want to see everyone again too. Summers are fun, but there are a lot of people I haven't seen since June. Not cool, yo. So that'll be good.

Love always,


Sixty pages

That's it. Sixty. At a page a minute, I could be done with this book in an hour.
But if I have to read one more sentence about some war in the 1600s, I might pass out.

Song of the moment, and I know I mentioned it earlier, is If I Never See Your Face Again (Maroon 5 feat. Rihanna). It strikes a chord with me (haha, what a pun) right now... I would say I'm not sure why, but it has something to do with a summer... thing, this summer.
Not that that was redundant. But that song is really making a lot of sense to me right now. Which is absolutely fine.

Now (still listening to that same CD) Walcott just came on shuffle. I like the line about getting out of Cape Cod (which is just about every line). Considering I've read about 175 pages about the Cape Cod area today, I REALLY like the idea of getting the hell out of Cape Cod.
"All the way to New Jersey, all the way to the Garden State, out of Cape Cod tonight"

Daphna went back home to New Jersey this morning. So I'm left by myself to read about Cape Cod and wait for my Holga pictures.

Love always,


I want my pictures from Holga. I thought I would have them by now. I am impatient.

I should be reading or something.

I made myself a CD from Daphna's computer. So here is 'Clara's-new-iTunes-additions', Daphna edition:

Where'd You Go - Fort Minor
If I Never See Your Face Again - Maroon 5 feat. Rihanna
Where Does the Good Go - Tegan and Sara
That Girl Has Love - Rooney
Hello Helicopter - Motion City Soundtrack
Oh, It's Love - Hellogoodbye
Learning to Fall - Boys Like Girls
This Place is a Prison - The Postal Service
Let's See How Far We've Come - Matchbox 20
So Contagious - Acceptance
Daughters - John Mayer
Forget December - Something Corporate
Tiny Vessels - Death Cab for Cutie
Hello Goodbye - The Beatles
Portions for Foxes - Rilo Kiley
Technicolor Girl - Death Cab for Cutie
Walcott - Vampire Weekend (a band the drummer of whom went to my school)
Boston - Augustana
Break Myself - Something Corporate
Mistakes We Knew We Were Making - Mae

So that's what I've been listening to. I just went shopping for a 1st-day-of-school dress with my mom and found myself doing the whole back-to-school deal. Lohmann's is great for that though. 
I really should read. But I'm also really tired... We don't sleep much.

Love always,

Daphna's concerned about me

I just got the email from Lifesblood Labs. She doesn't know about Lonelygirl15. Our conversation, summarized:

Daphna: What's that?
Me: Lifesblood labs. Let me watch this video.
Daphna: What are they?
Me: Oh I told them that I was trait positive and I have extra ribozymes so now they want my blood. It's a lonelygirl thing.
Daphna: Clara, don't give your blood to people on the internet! Oh my god why do they want your blood? Don't give it to them!

Love always,


Summer reading

I am so over it. But alas, it persists. I'm done with spartina thank god, that was a while ago, but now I have to annotate Robert Frost. And sure, Robert Frost is pretty cool with his blank verse iambic pentameter, but really i do not want to be annotating 15 poems in the next three days.
and finishing Mayflower, and writing paragraphs about it.
I don't look forward to it.

Daphna is still here, but Vivian left. We're about to go to a Nationals game. Go Nats! The worst team in the league! Yay!

We all miss camp a lot.
It's kind of depressing.

Tonight there's a Gossip Girl season premier party. I am very much looking forward to that. Very much.
It will be fun.

More fun than annotating this stupid book of poetry.

Love always,