
cupcake ipsum

Caroline copy-edits for Post- now, so she and I hang out sometimes while I'm over there doing my chief-layout-editor thing.

Tonight, an article hadn't come in, but the two other pieces of that page were ready for the second round of copy editing, so I filled the empty box with placeholder text.
This was not ordinary placeholder text, of course. I read about something called Cupcake Ipsum a little while ago, and thought it would be more fun than the normal quasi-Latin gibberish. The section of the magazine usually reserved for our wonderful advice column read something like this:
Cupcake ipsum dolor. Sit amet pastry liquorice danish. Tiramisu sweet chupa chups. Cupcake gummi bears faworki. Tart jujubes pastry cupcake candy I love carrot cake ice cream. Icing powder gummies cotton candy wafer jelly toffee bonbon. Chocolate bar faworki macaroon croissant tiramisu halvah sweet gummies. Cotton candy lollipop caramels brownie. Biscuit croissant ice cream. Oat cake sweet fruitcake. Oat cake gummi bears muffin dragée pastry tootsie roll dragée I love. Candy canes ice cream oat cake. Faworki macaroon chocolate cake cookie I love chocolate bar. Powder topping carrot cake. Faworki jujubes danish jelly marzipan tiramisu candy canes croissant biscuit. I love lollipop sweet roll cupcake cotton candy chocolate bar cake brownie. Cupcake bear claw I love pie dessert cake. Gummi bears dragée caramels jujubes. Muffin pudding I love chocolate cake I love powder I love brownie. Jelly-o lemon drops gingerbread powder. Cookie jelly-o apple pie tootsie roll bear claw jujubes pie. Chocolate bar sesame snaps icing pie macaroon. Danish I love tiramisu chocolate bar jujubes brownie topping. Macaroon cookie gummi bears chupa chups chupa chups cheesecake tootsie roll oat cake sesame snaps. Danish danish candy canes cookie. Candy canes sweet donut. Caramels gingerbread pie sesame snaps. Jelly beans macaroon jelly-o tart I love danish. Gummi bears I love sweet roll marzipan tiramisu jujubes marshmallow. Topping I love muffin caramels cheesecake ice cream apple pie powder tiramisu. Marshmallow pastry pie I love jelly-o candy candy canes. Chocolate bar tootsie roll halvah gummi bears. Dragée lollipop carrot cake dessert cotton candy wafer. Biscuit topping tootsie roll chocolate cake halvah gummi bears. Tart jujubes icing gingerbread brownie dragée jelly beans. Chocolate bar bear claw I love marshmallow cupcake icing tootsie roll sweet. Caramels gummies marshmallow fruitcake jelly beans. Lemon drops gummi bears pie oat cake apple pie chupa chups. Soufflé marshmallow bear claw fruitcake caramels halvah. I love I love brownie soufflé liquorice tiramisu muffin cotton candy. Wafer tart powder cheesecake bear claw I love oat cake pastry sugar plum. I love tiramisu chocolate cake wafer tootsie roll cupcake biscuit topping muffin. Caramels chocolate bar tootsie roll jelly I love pudding I love. Cotton candy chocolate bar cotton candy caramels sugar plum. Gummi bears fruitcake marzipan wafer tart tiramisu.
I assumed this would all go over without incident and went back to my duties (read: Angry Birds). The following conversations went on behind me.

Caroline: I don't think I get this article.
Alexa: Jenny, are you aware that Emily Post- right now is just a list of things?
Jenny: Um, the real article isn't finished yet.
Alexa: Okay.
Caroline: This still doesn't make sense.
Me: OH! Ignore that! That's cupcake ipsum!

Caroline was checking its spelling. I really should make these things more clear. But someday I do want to publish an article like this in Post-. Then we'll be more avant-garde than the Indy.
That is my new aspiration.

Love always,

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