
radio silence

I don't really know what those two words are supposed to mean when they're next to each other like that.

Hey, so two elephants were sitting in a bathtub. And the one elephant says to the other, "hey, could you pass the soap?"
The second elephant says, "No soap radio!"

I used to listen to the radio a lot in high school, but every time I go home it becomes more and more insufferable. Maybe Brown is turning me into a hipster who has no choice but to reject pop culture (either for being lame or for trying to pretend not to be lame). Maybe this happens to everyone though, and is a necessary component of getting older.

That can't be right. There are married people who still listen to the Kane show on HOT 99.5. Married people.

Love always,

1 comment:

Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

People hate me for saying so but I think you stop listening to the radio as soon as you have your own taste in music.