
sup, bumblebee

So I was a bumblebee for halloween on Saturday. (On Friday, with plans of attending a Too-Soon party, I dressed up as "sexy Tamsen Donner" of 1846).
Apparently I made some kind of impression.

John has threatened to use "bumblebee" as a nickname. I've warned him that I will retaliate. I do not take well to condescension.

Today, though, I discovered John wasn't the only one who enjoyed my costume (which, not that it matters, was pretty damn conservative. I was wearing more clothes than a lot of people). I was standing in the Ratty by the omelette station, and I'd been in someone's way I suppose.

Me: Oh, sorry.
Stranger: Sup, bumblebee?

Maybe it's the prosopagnosia, and I really did meet this person and talk with him at some length (It also might be the a-a-a-a-a-a-alcohol, although I'd be shocked if I'd actually forgotten anything from that night completely). I have no recollection of any of this, though.

Un po' strano.

Love always,

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