

I realized today that the reason I've been avoiding the blog is that I've run out of creative ways to apologize for my absence of late. To hell with apologies though. I've been busy.

Today I realized almost everyone in my english class was at some point in their lives really into Lord of the Rings.

Russom: What was the name of Gandalf's horse?
Class, in unison: Shadowfax.

This was relevant to something involving Old English and the conversion of the heathen Anglo-folks to Christianity. St Gregory and whatnot. The usual.

I never got into Lord of the Rings. I'd say maybe the fans were too fanatical for me, but I was definitely into Harry Potter for a long time there. Hell, I've read every Twilight book. I like bandwagons.
Maybe it was because LOTR wasn't about humans, specifically. Wizards and vampires and whatnot all at least existed in a world with regular humans walking around too, in a world that looked familiar to me.  Middle Earth was too far removed from the daily trials of fourth-grade Clara.

Speaking of fourth grade, maybe I was just too young and had too short an attention span for a series of books that screamed "FOR BOYS" to me. It was all swords and fire and people riding around on horses. Harry Potter had enough middle-school drama unrelated to saving the world to keep me entertained.

Because, of course, saving the world does not interest me nearly as much as whom Ron has a crush on these days.

Love always,


Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

It's never too late to start being fanatic about Lord of the Rings. Honestly. I mean, I've learnt the elvish runes at the age of seventeen and I still use them. Don't feel too old for it at all.

Ashley said...

I tried to get into Lord of the Rings, but I got stuck in the mire of the first book. It seemed excessive that he spent so much time on their party with the random character (who didn't make it to the movies).

The Hobbit rocked though, I'm pretty stoked for that movie:)


