
basil battle

Erika: Have you blogged about your day of nothing?
Me: Not yet. That's the thing about nothing days. There's nothing to say, really.

The most exciting thing I did today was search for basil, but let me start from the beginning.

I've been feeling gross lately, with a sore throat that hadn't gone away for a while, so yesterday I decided it was time to call a doctor and find out what exactly was wrong with me. I more or less had diagnosed myself with viral tonsillitis, but I don't exactly have the medical authority to make that kind of call.

I called the doctor that we'd been told to call this morning, and he said he'd come over and do a house call (why don't we have those in America, by the way? Do we? Have I just never found a doctor who does them?) in about an hour.

In that time, Erika and I decided it would be a good idea to clean the kitchen, so that he would not be shocked by the conditions in which we live. We're really not bad. We do spend a lot of energy on kitchen-cleaning. During this cleaning period, I took a box of fresh basil off the kitchen table and put it somewhere.

The doctor was wonderful (and confirmed that whatever I have is a virus and therefore all I can do is pop ibuprofen and sleep). He was actually from Alexandria, had worked at the hospital at which I was born, and knows my grandfather. There's something very comforting about being in the presence of someone who knows your grandfather. Anyway, then I went back to sleep for a while.

Fast forward to a little while ago, when I realized it was almost nine thirty and I hadn't had any dinner. Caprese salad seemed like a quick and easy thing, so I got to chopping tomatoes and mozerella. And then it was time to find the basil.

The basil was not in the refrigerator. The basil was not in the part of the cabinet where I tend to put things. The basil was not on the couch. The basil was not in my bedroom. The basil was nowhere to be found.

Me: Where would basil go? Where does Clara put the basil, when Clara does not put the basil where she should put the basil?

It has yet to be seen. I ended up using dry basil from our spice cabinet instead. Take that, basil bastard.

Erika: Say hello to the eggs!
Me: Hi eggs! Oh they're cute.
Erika: Aren't they? They have no idea they're about to be charred...
Me: Hey, we're going to put you in very hot water, and then eat you!
Erika: Don't tell them! They'll run away! Like the basil! My god, Clara, what did you say to the basil?!

Love always,

1 comment:

Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

Hahaha, and that's what you call a day of nothing happening? Obviously a lot happened!