
it's been six days

Obviously I suck a lot, but also I've been really busy between moving out of my apartment in Bologna, embarking on an epic journey home (in macchina, no less), and roaming the city of Bern with David for the weekend.

Leaving Bologna was sad. That's all I can really say about that. Oh, and there was a transit strike. That sucked.
The thing about the Italians is that they're good at a lot of things (food), but they're also not good at a lot of things (bread) (my priorities are absolutely in the right place). One of the things they're not good at is taking Clara where she needs to go on the day that she needs to go there. Instead, they are good at absolutely refusing to do this.
The train-operators and the related professionals decided that the day I needed to get home was the right time to plan not to operate any trains. This led to at least one nervous breakdown, but my father the saint actually drove down to Bologna to pick me up. Added bonus: I got to bring Stella the bike.

Hanging around Bern with David was great. I'd always known that my Swiss friends and my Potomac friends were different, but it's never been so clear... it sounds cliche, but I keep realizing how much I love both groups for exactly what they are. Heathens and snobs, mostly, but I really do love you guys.

Today I've been busy with a project that should be live soon. The d'azeglio girls will know what this is I think. Get excited.

Love always,

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