
names by which I have gone on the internet

1998 - 2000. My dad set this email address up for me for some reason when I was like, six. I sent emails to my grandfather at F666666 and experienced Instant Messaging (tm) with CeCe Conner. (On that note, IMing is hard when you're not even sure about how to spell things.) This was back in the day when people didn't think their email addresses should have anything to do with their real names, so I was really quite progressive.

2000 - 2003. I decided my real name was boring. Also, I liked the color lime green and I liked going rock climbing with my dad on sunday afternoons and I thought it was a subtle thing to imply that I "rokked," as it were. This was the same time that I developed a fear of heights, actually, and would climb up the wall with no difficulty only to have a panic attack at the top.

2003 - 2007. I decided my real name was so boring that I couldn't even bear to use it in real life. My friends had names that started with the letter K and so I wanted to conform while making myself cool and different at the same time. At this time in my life, I tried to write novels that mostly focused on a girl named "Elizabeth" deciding to go by "Liza" when she moved to a new town. Also, my two first relationships developed on this IM account. In fact, they almost entirely existed on this IM account.

2006. For some reason AIM was not enough. Victoria Thomas told me that Yahoo was the cool thing to have and we posted song lyrics as our away messages. I don't remember ever talking to anyone on this account.

2007 - 2008. CeCe convinced me that this was a good idea. I was in that awkward phase where I realized that I do not spell my name with a K, but wasn't sure whether I wanted another fun handle or a "serious" email address. Also I had a thing for the number four, it appears. This was the time that I'm pretty sure all of us were "invisible" online all the time, just waiting to see.

2008 - present. Twitter is the best. Mr. Abbott, my seventh grade advisor and American History teacher, used to call me that, because I was smart, I suppose. When I was constructing my new clever mature internet identity, this seemed like a way that I wanted to portray myself.

2008 - present. When I set this up, I knew I needed a gmail account but wasn't sure for what. I was in the mood to be cryptic (a la F666666) when most people on the internet were using their real goddamn names. Clara is countercultural as shit. You know. The standard.

Love always,

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