
i'm always so busy now

I'm not sure that I like the fact that I've been blogging with less regularity. In fact, I'm sure that I don't like it, but I also don't want to poop out some words if I have nothing to say.

On Sunday I went to Newport with John and Dan and Mark and Nicole and Laura. That was pretty awesome. The beach is great, and friends are great, and walking around new places is one of my favorite things. Also, eating seafood and employing screw-top bottles.

On Monday I mostly did work, but some of it was done outside on the quad, which was nice.
The girls from Italy and I met up for froyo on Monday night, and we sat around in the grass and updated each other on our lives. Caroline and Michelle had just come back from New York, where they had a casual encounter with Courtney Cox.
We reminisced like crazy.

Yesterday I severely overslept, went to italian, and pretty much did work-related things all day until I had to go to the magazine office. Post-'s family weekend issue comes out on friday, and thirty pages take a lot longer to lay out than eight. Imagine that.

Honestly, that's been it, pretty much. Maybe I'm spending too much time doing work, or maybe I'm not paying enough attention to the world, or maybe I just feel less compelled to blog about the conversations that do stick out in my mind. I don't like being in a creative rut, trust me. I feel like I need to jumpstart something, or set something on fire, or pick up some crazy new (metaphorical) hat to wear, but I also feel like I'm too busy and too generally content to do any of that.

But today there were puppies on the main green. That was pretty exciting.
(I fear I am becoming a boring person. I think this is unfounded, but I am not certain.)

Love always,

P.S. Now I am stalking PhD programs in England because I would like my life to fast forward to the glamorous-intellectual phase, I think.

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