
things that people do that are awkward

1. When you're sitting in a room and, to make conversation, someone looking at a computer says, "Oh my god that's terrible!" The other people in the room exchange glances before someone inquires as to what is so horrible/great/hilarious. There's always the awkward pause when you think, maybe no one will ask, and then you'll never find out.

2. When you see someone that you sort of know in the bathroom, and you both sort of emit barely audible squeaking sounds. This is the least direct method of acknowledgement possible.

3. When you're doing something a little weird (e.g. buying lots of bananas to fill out a meal credit), and you see someone you know (weird things rarely go unnoticed). You make some self-deprecating comment (e.g. "I'm out of dining points! I have to use credits, and I don't want to waste them! I'm irresponsible!") and the other person agrees, and scolds you. (Being scolded in public, in general, is a weird thing.)

4. When you're waiting for cereal and the cafeteria workers are cleaning that counter, which is always covered in cereal. You wait for them to walk away (you smile so that they don't think you're being impatient), and then you pour your cereal and it goes everywhere. This is definitely because the bowls in the Ratty are so shallow, but you feel kind of bad.

Love always,

1 comment:

Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

5. When you're at university and someone says 'hi' and is all smiles and you don't really recognise that person but you're pretty sure you ought to know him from some lecture or whatever and you say 'hi' back and smile, and then this someone realises he doesn't know you at all and you both walk away red-faced.