
weird habits i've picked up lately

1) I've started working out again (that is not the weird part) (okay yeah, it's also kind of weird). I've been doing so in the Buxton workout room, which is much smaller, and I've never not been the only person in there. So now when I'm running (walking? fast?) and listening to music I sort of wave my arms about like a composer. No one can see me! Except when someone comes down the stairs and I have to make it look like I was reaching for my water bottle.

2) My new favorite food at the ratty is Lucky Charms, but I only eat the marshmallow bits.

David: What are you doing? It looks like you got two bowls of Alpha-Bits and ate none of them!
Val: Not Alpha-Bits. Lucky Charms! That's just what's left of them!

Val is opposed to this because I have to relocate the gross pieces to another bowl usually so that I can find the good pieces without making a mess. Obviously everything I do is in the interest of not making a mess.

3) I have become entirely dependent on the Providence Coffee Roasters' truck. It is dangerous to be so dependent on something that is inherently mobile.

Love always,

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