
in which clara rambles about sex and everyone feels uncomfortable

So I'm taking some pretty cool classes this semester, and one of them is called Sex, Gender, and Society. It's really a great course, and it's made me think a little more critically about a number of things.

One of them is this. This book, published a few weeks ago, is entitled Dirty Little Secrets: Breaking the Silence on Teenage Girls and Promiscuity. To be honest, I haven't read it, but Publisher's Weekly said that "[Cohen] seeks to identify the loose girl experience and help girls gain power over their own lives."

Now, what I find problematic about this is the question of whom these teenage girls are being promiscuous with. The issue (if there truly is one) cannot be completely contained within the teenage girls, can it? Is every adolescent a lesbian these days? Really? All of them?

No, I suspect there are boys involved. Probably teenage boys.

Do we need the smelling salts, or are you okay out there? You're probably okay. But why? Why is it okay that teenage boys are having sex (that's just what they do, after all. Boys will be boys!) but if teenage girls are doing it, we immediately need to clutch our pearls and do an in depth study on whether they're doing it for the "right" reasons (hint: there probably are none).

I'll agree that promiscuity is probably an issue, and there are certainly kids out there who are doing everything that moves because it makes them feel popular, and those kids are pretty dumb. I'm on board. But let's not scrutinize the girls quite so much?


Love always,

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