
posting post-y posts

Last night I would have blogged, except post- happened and I ended up being there for seven hours or so. For the record, that's an improvement - last night, for the first time, I got to go to Jo's after hitting "Export" and eat mozzarella sticks before two AM.
I love post-. We have such fun. In the year that I've been there, I've gone from "layout trainee" to "the first layout girl who the editors know the name of" to "chief layout editor." Check that out.

I love feeling competent.

We were reminiscing last night about the rougher moments of last year, including the time someone decided the best possible headline for a feature about transfer students was "TRANNYS AT BROWN."
Someone said seven whole minutes passed before we got an email from the LGBTQ center director. Fair enough.

This of course led us into a very interesting and Brown-characteristic conversation about transsexuals and what they prefer to be called at different stages of their lives. It's a source of debate that I won't get into here (boy am I feeling my heterosexual privilege now), but we had a good time.

Charles: This page has a... I don't know what to call it...
Sam: Crisis? Catastrophe? Lobotomy? Trans man?

Of course, this morning when I eagerly skipped down to the Ratty to check out my marvelous handiwork, I realized that while I was making sure all the apostrophes faced the right way and the fonts were legible and consistent, some quirk of inDesign had made the columns not line up anymore. Either I messed it up at 1:30 am last night and didn't notice (humbug!), or something went wrong when I exported the file to PDF (that's what i'm going with). 

All of it is hogwash.

Love always,

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