
look out, world!!!

I'm going to start cat calling men.

Why? Because I can. Not because I want to bang them or go on dates with them or whatever, but because I kind of think it's hilarious and flattering to be cat called and men need to get this experience as well.
Isn't that their goal when they do it? To give me a hilarious and flattering experience?

Anyway, I'm going to start off campus, I think, so that I don't get a reputation as "that crazy girl who keeps sexually harassing strangers." I mean, maybe that will be inevitable, but I want to give my fun new experiment a test run beforehand.

The eight crazy strangers of August '11 inspired me, to be honest. When I write about them (inevitably), you'll see how truly flattered/pleased/etc I felt after all of these experiences. They were just so friendly! They totally validated my existence as a woman! (If one is not attracting strangers on a daily basis, one is failing.)

So, guys of the Providence area, you should start looking nice. If you don't, I won't cat call you, and then you won't be worth anything.

Love always,

P.S. Mom, I'm being sarcastic. Except I'm really going to do it because I think it will be funny and interesting.

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