
since i've been gone

A number of things have happened.

  • Blogger changed its user interface! You are unlikely to notice this, but from my side of the looking glass things are very different and new.
  • I came back to college, have settled myself in, and am feeling just wonderful about it.
  • My social life has taken several new turns, not the least of which being the Buxton house lifestyle (AFTERPARTY IN THE SUITE!)
  • There was an earthquake! And a hurricane!
  • Classes have started, and after briefly flirting with the idea of taking five classes, I realized that ENGN0090 is not at all my style, even if the professor is fantastic. Mom was wrong.
  • I've realized I have things to blog about! And I look forward to blogging about them very soon.
  • I decided to color code my class notes. I have a color set aside for "Insane professor quotes"
  • I've begun to decorate my nails with sparkly stickers.
That's pretty much the gist of it. I've also taken to studying (read: rolling around in the grass) with Val. We have some pretty good times, mostly because I'm allergic to nature and all of the little particles get up inside my head and make me feel giggly. Grass is like catnip for Claras. Then I get a grass-hangover and want a nap.
Yesterday we discussed at length the ways I was misinformed about sexual activity as a child.

Dad: So you're half my DNA and half Mom's DNA, and so is your sister, and you both grew from an egg in your mom's tummy.
Me: But... how does the dad's DNA get to the mom's DNA?
Dad: ... When you get married, god does it.

Don't worry, I'm posting more later. (I know you were going to be worried. It's okay. Calm down.)

Love always,

1 comment:

Lisa Maria Koßmann said...

Yay, you're back! My internet life makes sense again.