
cooking and penises and dead animals

Erika: I'm bringing out a symbolic egg. I have others. This is not a symbolic tomato. It's the only one I have.

I skyped with my parents earlier. We talked about my niece, who apparently is huge.

Mom: She's like you. You were always above the hundredth percentile!
Me: Mom, that's not how percentiles work.
Mom: You were an amazon baby!

They said that all of my blog posts are about food. That's basically true. We're making dinner now. By that I mean Erika is making dinner and I chopped up a tomato. Michelle grated some cheese. Caroline says she's hopeless in the kitchen, so she's telling jokes instead.

Today we spent many hours in the park and talked about various interesting things.

Erika: How much do you think a penis weighs. Like, if I looked exactly the same as I do and had the same proportions but had a penis, how much more would I weigh?

It's a question that I don't think I've ever sufficiently considered.

Caroline: Are we telling dead animal stories? Because I have the best one.

Now there's a quote without context.

Love always,

1 comment:

sorelle in style said...

This is too funny! I was an "Amazon baby" as well :)

Thanks for visiting us! Hope to see you around our blog again sometime soon :)

sorelle in style