
iper-coop, et cetera

Yesterday was wild. Imagine you wake up feeling dehydrated (or is that just a euphemism?), meet your class in town and collectively shuffle through a medieval museum. You all take whatever opportunity given to sit on the floor. Then you grab a sandwich and brace your attention span for what is essentially a straight three hours of class.

What do you do? You take a 5-hour-energy shot that's been sitting in your purse since Spring Weekend.

That describes the first half of my day yesterday. Five-Hour-Energy is one of the best things in the world, I've decided, because it can make you feel alive again when you're in zombie-mode.

After class, a bunch of us decided that we would acquire bicycles if it was the last thing we did. We'd heard that there was a place to rent them near the train station, so we went on an expedition northward. When we got there, though, the man told us that it was eighteen euro per day to rent bicycles, and if we wanted them for any longer than a week it would be cheaper to just buy one. He called us a taxi to take us slightly out of town, to where he said there was a megastore that would sell us a nice one for cheap.

Megastore indeed. the iper-coop is a combination of everything good about America (i.e. Super Target) and everything good about Italy (massive wheels of parmesan). When we got there, we met an American security guard named Bob, who told us that the next day, the bicycles would be on sale, so we should come back tomorrow. We even picked out little baskets. Baskets were mandatory.
(We had this whole plan to go back this morning, but then we found out that you can buy a used bicycle in the city for half the price anyway. So that's what we're doing.)

Anyway, as long as we were in this glorious supermarket-on-steroids, we had to do some shopping, and then we just had to sit on a bench outside and eat Magnum bars and nutella and cheese on bread, waiting for a taxi to just arrive for us so that we wouldn't have to call one. No luck, but the cheese was awesome.

Then I came home, realized I'd just sat on the side of the road eating chocolate, and decided that I absolutely needed to go for a short run, so I did that, showered, did my homework, and we all went out to explore Bologna with some real italians.

Do you remember how terrible I felt when I woke up?
Me neither.

Love always,

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