
Brought down to earth by a facebook quiz

I have always been pretentious. I think my parents made me that way by teaching me to read before anyone else, so I could feel like the superior-and-unique-and-brilliant one in preschool.
That is the prelude to the story I am about to tell.

Today, (or rather, just now) I was poking around facebook. And I saw on my news feed, "Kayla has taken the quiz 'What stereotype do you fit?' with the result Cheerleader"
And I thought to myself, "Ah, I will take this quiz"

... And my inner self thought to my(inner)self, "Ah, I will take this quiz and get a super cool result that is different from anyone else's in an intellectual and creative way, because I am special, and I live in a world of less interesting and creative people"
But don't tell anyone that.

So I took the quiz. And my result? Cheerleader. Not too unexpected I guess... I figured it was this quiz's way of saying "nice person" (as opposed to the result "Prep/Jock" which basically means "mean person").
But the results page, like most facebook quiz result pages, showed me the outcomes of several of my facebook friends. And I scroll through and realize the rest of my facebook friends are 80% Hipsters, 15% Nerd, and 5% Loner.
How did that happen?

Speaking of facebook, I just uploaded an album of pictures I found from freshman trip. If anyone has forgotten exactly how awkward we were back then, I suggest you check it out.

And speaking of pictures, I got a new camera today! And it's a PowerShot SD780 and it's amazing and I'm kind of in love.

And speaking of incest... never mind.

Also, I did bake this blog a birthday brownie, and I filmed myself doing it, so that video will be up in the next four days. But tomorrow is very busy.

Love always,

1 comment:

Daphna said...

oh yes, incest! speaking of incest...i love you. not that that's related to incest. or unrelated to incest. or..whatever. SEE YOU TOMORROW.