
nantucket video. that's how cool i am.

I actually think this is gorgeous. The colors of that particular island are just wonderful, you know? The blues and the greens.

Song credits:
All these things that I've done- Sung by The Killers
Tachyon Theme- LG15
Yellow Submarine- Butchered by Us.

Mom and I were just downstairs watching TV. It was this awful show about this guy who steals women's underwear and then puts them in a car and waits for that car to get hit by a truck, so that it's like the woman is being raped by a truck. Or something twisted like that. We weren't entirely sure of what was happening, but we decided with almost no evidence that the woman also repeatedly beat her husband with a hammer.

The kids still in nantucket just called me. I wish I were still there. Like, I really wish I were still there. And not here. Packing. More.

Love always,

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