
Thoughts on napping.

I had a three hour nap this afternoon. That tells me two things-
1. I may be coming down with something
2. I will not be able to fall asleep tonight

Both of those things are really annoying, to be honest. I hadn't meant to take a nap. I've come to hate them, actually. It's like being kidnapped.
Most people say they feel better after taking a nap. I usually feel pretty crappy when I wake up. I walk around like a zombie, confused by my surroundings, for about twenty minutes, and then I HAVE to eat something, even though I'm never hungry, and then I feel ill.

Also naps give me really weird dreams. For instance, I had a dream today about the Apple tablet. In the dream I woke up and found one on my bed, and realized I'd have to keep it a secret, because Steve Jobs would be upset if he realized MacBooks like Patrick were transforming into tablets.

Love always,

1 comment:

Katie said...

hehe. You sound completely crazy in this. Sorry about your accidental nap.