
When there's nothing left to burn...

I've made a discovery. I believe in rock and roll, and music can save my mortal soul. Although I'm not sure whether I could teach you how to dance real slow.

The new crop-
My Beautiful Rescue - This Providence
Safe in the Sound - The Paper Raincoat
Strictly Game - Harlem Shakes
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead - Stars
7/4 (Shoreline) - Broken Social Scene
Hello My Apple - Priscilla Renea

(Happy, David? I like the song too!)

At the beginning of 'Your Ex-Lover Is Dead' there's an interesting line-
"When there's nothing left to burn, you must set yourself on fire"
I feel like I've been living by that rule for the last couple months. There was nothing left to burn. Everything was kind of falling away. So I did all I could do.
I felt a little bit like Nero. Or Hamlet. Or rather, Ophelia. I was most certainly Clara-gone-mad.

I'm still waiting for the embers to die down, I suppose. Here it's not like there's nothing left to burn, it's more that I am all there is. The only thing here that I'm completely familiar with is myself. If I am setting something on fire, it is me.

I love fire though. I'm a total pyromaniac. I could watch a bonfire for hours and never get bored or antsy, just watching the flames. The best stories are told around fires. There's something that seems mystical about it. I don't know exactly.

Love always,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay i am glad you like it! if you want more of her stuff i like dollhouse!