
i really want a nap but at this point i can stick it out until bedtime

I'm sick. I'm not happy about it.
I bought some Claritin. That may have helped. I feel like this isn't the flu-type of sickness that I had like, a month ago. This is a headcold gone awry. So I need to attack it from a different angle.

Speaking of Angles, midterm elections!
Not going too well for my kids!

Well, that's not true. The only people I can really take responsibility for are Jim Moran (hell yes, Virginia's 11th) because that's my home district, and David Cicilline because I canvassed for him today.
I don't know what part of my illness-addled mind thought that walking around in the cold for three hours would be a good idea.
That said, I felt bad about not voting, so I had to do something.
Anyway, things are looking pretty good for Cicilline and Moran's already been called so I can call it a day.

Thank goodness. I'm exhausted.

Oh, also, I found this link funny. Also, relevant to my life (at least in the first half). (Seriously guys, college. It's such an awkward place.)
You should click on it.

Love always,

1 comment:

James said...

R.I.P. Prop 19 T_T