
just a thought

The other day I was complaining about how all these college kids are being silly with their boy-girl interactions, when I went through that phase in spring of junior year.

I was thinking about that just now. What was happening during spring of junior year?
I was about to move to Switzerland. I was leaving home. I was freaking the fuck out, to be perfectly honest. That was the birth of "mentally unstable clara." I was a mess, just in general.

So then I thought, how many of these kids have had comprable experiences? For what percentage of them is going away to college the first such experience?
Probably a big one.

I see a correlation.

I should give these kids a break, I've decided. They're stressed the fuck out. We all are, and that's okay.
Although I wish they'd find a different way to deal with it.

Love always,

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