
i take it back

sounds good
enjoy your screening which is hopefully not some other korean porn/death/incest thing
we're watching 'what not to wear'
and 'made'
well TLC is definitely not korean incest.
i mean..i hope not..
havent watched it in a while
but im fairly confident

I take it all back. Everything negative I ever said about my MCM class is hereby retracted. We just watched three hours of trashy reality tv.

The days feel so long here. I literally don't remember this morning. Having lunch feels like days ago. I never have any idea what day of the week it is (unless, of course, it's friday).
It's a problem.

I have so much to do too. A philosophy paper, a linguistics project, an MCM paper, and one more Econ problem set. And three finals. Of course.
I can't believe the first semester has gone so quickly. December starts tomorrow (rabbit rabbit rabbit) and I'll be home in eighteen days.


Love always,

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