
me talk pretty one day?

I saw David Sedaris speak yesterday. He read from his newest book and from his diary. It was awesome.
He signed books afterwards. He said really fantastic things inside.

Mine: I'm so happy you're alive.
John's: Let's drown kittens in buckets of piss and Diet Dr. Pepper.
Hannah's friend: Friend- with friendly friendship, bitch

I kind of want his life. I think I wouldn't be bad at writing humorous memoirs. I like telling stories and forcing people to listen to them and not letting anyone interrupt. They can't interrupt when things are written down.

... Actually, if they can, that's something I'd like to see. I imagine it involves taking a fountain pen to a page and scrawling your own story in the spaces between the lines, intrusively.

Tonight I'm seeing Sufjan Stevens. You cannot comprehend my excitement.

Love always,