
welcome, boys and girls, to college

A few months before I left for college, my dad presented me with a speech about "boy-girl interactions."
Much like the boy-girl parties of intermediate school, "boy-girl interactions" can be stressful and great and sometimes you think it might be best to hide in the bathroom with the girls who are hiding from their dates, and listen. After five minutes of that I tend to realize that I don't really like girls that much. Specific girls, sure, but girls on the whole, no thank you.

Anyway. Boy-girl interactions. The way I had understood them to this point (who am I kidding. I never understand this shit) had been something like this: people can hook up (which means kissing, Mom, and I know you're reading this on the edge of your seat. Make yourself a libertini or something and chill. I'm not getting pregnant and I'm not dropping acid either) and it can be nothing and everyone can move on with their lives. Or people can hook up and there can be emotional implications due to the behavior of one or more parties, and in that case the hook up can turn into a "thing," and a "thing" can turn into a relationship maybe.

It seems that I have been mistaken. Apparently, as numerous people have told me lately, "we're in college" and that means something.
I'm not sure what it means exactly. Does it mean that when people hook up and there are emotional implications, the best subsequent choice is to do nothing?

As it turns out, maybe that's the way people do things "in college." Everyone's in the let's-hook-up-with-as-many-people-as-possible-in-one-semester phase. The thing about that is that I had that phase in like, junior year. That phase is done. That phase came and went and wasn't all that interesting anyway.
I mean, why not just hook up with one person consistently, and also ask about their day? Is it the variety that everyone's after? Is there an inherent value in variety that I'm failing to grasp?

I don't know. We're in college. Whatever that means.

Love always,