
I made a sticker!

It is a cool sticker.

My puppy is legitimately the cutest thing in the world. I am not even exaggerating. He just decided (as i was going to bed, of course), that he wanted to play with me. He always decides it's Clara-play-time when I'm trying to sleep, actually. So he runs upstairs and starts pacing outside my door. So I open up to see what he wants and he just sits there in front of me just, looking at me. 
So I pick him up to put him on the stairs so that he'll take the hint and let me sleep. Because as much as I want to play with him, I have to get some sleep because I'm getting up early tomorrow. But as I pick him up, he starts licking my face. All grossness is completely cancelled out by the cuteness.
This continues for a few minutes, me trying to get rid of him and then being won over by his puppyish charms.  I finally asked dad to call him down so that at least he wouldn't be sulking there alone.


Tomorrow I will be at school for like, 12 hours. Breakfast club+extended outdoor ed=insanity.
Why do I do so much again?
Because I am crazy.

Love always,

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