
happy december!

I hope your day went well. Mine was relatively uneventful.

That's not entirely true. I'm trying to invent a language for my final linguistics project and it is incredibly entertaining.
the older bird always gives the worm to the littlest bird in the nest
badnazo boro pɪrɪna laz lalɪma pɪtapar boroma zasopararar.
Do you see that? "zasopararar?" What?! I was doing this in Faunce and basically giggling to myself. It feels so ridiculous, but it's a significant portion of the grade. (Not everyone is making up a language. That was just one of the options. But it's totally my style.)

In third grade, Corinne and I had a language I think. It wasn't really a language though. We would just make noises at each other and pretend that we understood what the other one was saying. Corinne was a character.

Also, speaking of incredibly entertaining things, read this. McSweeney's cracks me up on a regular basis and I am thrilled by it.

Love always,

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