
between lunch and now...

Hanna: Cath, pick up my planner!
Sam: Cath, don't let her be anti-semitic!
Me: How is that anti-semitic?
Sam: She's picking the only other jew in the room to pick on
Me: I don't think it's because you guys are jewish
Drew: Yeah, that's not why hanna's picking on cath. But it's why I'm picking on you.

David: If you're starving, you should eat Anneka's vocal chords. That sounded really creepy outside my head.

Mr C: So why would we use a word for petrified tree sap to talk about electricity?
Hanna: Oh, because electrostatics are charges standing still, and when something is petrified it stands still, like in harry potter they say petrificus--
Hanna: Yeah... So that's why.
Mr C: Cool idea, but no
Hanna: Mr Cobb, can I have ten points for Gryffindor?

Love always,

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