
Oh, my town and its madness

Anyone with a mind for twittering may have realized I was frustrated with some parade-goers today. Here's the deal.
My town loves parades. I don't know why; maybe we have a great road for it? I think we're just really enthusiastic people. I generally love that. Enthusiasm is great.
When the sidewalks are crammed with silly people wearing green (one third of whom you can probably assume aren't even irish to begin with) celebrating a holiday that's not coming for another week or so by cheering at an old car, and I'm just trying to get to CVS to pick up a prescription, and then drop off my film, it gets old.
I was tempted to buy some of those cool green necklaces with the clovers though, in preparation for the real holiday (seeing as I actually am Irish). Didn't have cash. Darn.

I've never really identified with the Irish stereotype though. I'm loud, but only because I can't hear myself talk. That's different. I'm not overly emotional (I don't think. Please tell me if I am). I relate more to my dad's heritage, that being largely Nordic. More mellow, more pragmatic, etc. 
My parents each see more of the other side in me. i.e. Mom occasionally entertains the idea that I'm a statue, Dad, I imagine, has a completely different perception, seeing as he seems bewildered at my wilder moments.

Isn't it weird that we're all kind of products of our parents, on a basic level? You could say we're also products of our surroundings, and I totally agree with that, but the fact is that in most cases, your parents are the first two people you know. So in the very beginning, they are your surroundings.

Whoa. I meant to be talking about the stupid premature St. Patrick's day parade and idiot tourists, and I've gotten into nature vs nurture.
Funny how that happens.

Love always,

P.S. Picking up prescriptions is really awkward. I resolve not to do that again for as long as I can avoid it.

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