
i'm so judgmental (?!)

I've realized something startling about myself.
I am really judgmental in one particular area.
I'd always considered myself a pretty easy-going non-judgmental person. To each his own, right?
Apparently I've been lying to myself. Because if someone is walking around with an "@yahoo.com" email address, I'm going to assume they're a fourth grader. And if you still have a "@aol.com" address that you use on a regular basis, I want you to know that you don't have to pay for dial up anymore, so it's okay to switch. And if your email address in any way references tigger, and you're on my spouse-list, I'm going to wonder who you are and why you're doing this to yourself.

I'm an email-address bitch.

I just spent fifteen minutes plugging email addresses into my contact list so that I can inform the spouses about things when my boss is gone, and I spent the whole time judging people. I've found that the only email addresses I respect are ones that end in "@gmail.com" or ".gov". I suppose I would also respect a ".edu", but I didn't see any of those so I'm going to say that's irrelevant.

Why do so many people use yahoo? Or hotmail?
Gmail is so much better! Come on, guys! Join the 21st century! We're a whole decade into the 2000s! You do not need to be using Yahoo!

I may make this my new personal cause-- to spread the word of Gmail and convert the heathens. Wish me luck.

Love always,


Katie said...

I still have a yahoo email....
I don't use it anymore though (just @yale.edu now!), so can we still be friends?

James said...

lol I love gmail.

and to the above commenter.

We should be friends. because i have a @yale.edu account too

clara said...

katie it took you years to start using facebook with any reliability. same for your cell phone. i've all but given up on you :P

Katie, meet Jin (who i guess goes by james now). James, meet Katie.
you two will like each other :)

Adelene Lai said...

ISB is still stuck in the dino-age of MICROSOFT OUTLOOK. It's heresy!

I support.Gmail ftw.