
things one uses to think

Nicole and John and I went to the Ivy Room last night for some falafel and greek yogurt. Michael showed up and the boys started talking about frat things that Nicole and I were not especially interested in, so we decided to start our own conversation that they couldn't participate in either.

Me: So. Bras.
Nicole: Yes.
Boys: What?

We told the boys that this was a girl conversation and that they should go about their business as usual and not mind us one bit. We did in fact begin to discuss bras (strapless ones, and whether Nicole wanted to borrow one).

Somehow the conversation in general turned to penis-naming. Nicole thinks it sounds like a fun thing to do if she had a penis. I was not so sure. People have in fact asked me what I call my boobs, but I don't call them much of anything, except "the boobs."

Nicole: I think the difference is that guys think with their penises sometimes. We never think with our breasts.
Me: What would they even say?
Boys: *nodding* That definitely happens.

I think if I let my boobs do the thinking, the only thing I would ever do would be buy bras. I would just wear really nice bras all the time. It would be kind of nice, but nothing to base a life philosophy upon.

It says good things about the female half of the population that we let our heads do basically all of the thinking.

Love always,

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