
Erzulie, and thanksgiving

I am the love goddess.
Fitting, right? Considering how I'm so undyingly optimistic (or is naive the word? I can never tell)...
Well, regardless, Mr. B cast the musical (before you get any ideas as to what else that might mean), and I am so excited.
This year might be among the best ever. Better than Oliver. Possibly better than By Jeeves (although By Jeeves will be hard to top). Just generally amazing all around.

I have two tests and a quiz tomorrow. Tests in math and chemistry, quiz (which truthfully will be more like a test anyways) in APUSH (the cool abbrev for AP US History).

I have not been writing as much as I should be. This saddens me, but gives me less incentive to keep going. But no, I will persevere. I will sit down and write.

You know what sucks a lot? Being a vegetarian avoiding carbohydrates on thanksgiving. Turkey? Just one bite, for the spirit of the thing. Mashed potatoes? Stuffing? Hell no. I am limited to like, green beans. And salad, only if I'm lucky.

Love always,

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