
"The Unthinkable Happened"

hahaha overstatement of the century.
It's a LG15 reference, if you know what i mean. Which you might, if you're one of those people.
But something interesting happened today, which I will not go into.
And this thing had put me in a weirder mood than I would have probably anticipated, had someone asked me hypothetically yesterday. 
This is a mood that makes me talk a lot. Which is probably bad for the rest of the world around me, but just great for the novel
(which is coming along marvelously, considering i broke 40K yesterday)
I'm on the phone now and Daphna and I are talking about anteaters and reverse psychology and the general angst that is being a teenage girl.
Grr. Silliness. There is such a tangled web of spiders and you just need to be an anteater. 
*eats some ants*

I haven't started my homework OR my writing for the night. this is a sad, sad thing.

Love always,


Anonymous said...

Hello! Yes, it was pretty unthinkable. I'm procrastinating about writings my english essay. I stopped in the middle of a sentance. Btw, I'm sorry for snapping at you in latin today. In latin class. If it was actually in latin it would be cool. I was just stressed; it wasn't you.

clara said...

hehe no prob. i was flipping out. and now i'm laughing really hard about the whole thing.
lol, i can imagine you snapping in latin.

and english essay=death