
Real Conversation about Wet Sinks

With two friends of mine, one of whom was very confused as to what we were talking about. Hereby referred to as D and W to protect their privacy... they wouldn't want this conversation on the internet, I don't think.

D: Don't you hate it when in the bathroom the counters are really wet?
Me: Oh my god I do! 
D and Me: *chat about this*
W: (just joining the conversation) And you have to wonder what the liquid is in the first place...
Me and D: Um... Yeah...
W: You know what it is? Butt sweat. 
Me: *laughs for a million years at that image but simultaneously wants to throw up*
D: *does likewise*
Me: I don't know what experiences you've had with this, but D and I were talking about like, on the sink counter, when people are really messy washing their hands.
W: ..... oh. that's not what i thought you were talking about.

That might be the crudest blog post I have ever written.

Love always,

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