

It's turkey day and I'm reading twilight for maybe the third time and feeling quite depressed about my love life. I've said it before and I'll say it again- my edward cullen better show up pretty soon, or I'll wander off with Mike Newman, and everyone will be sorry.
Not that there's even a Mike in the sad sad life that belongs to me.

Okay, enough self-pity for the one day of the year supposed to be entirely devoted to thankfulness. I am thankful that...
-I have warm boots on right now
-My cousins are cool
-I have little homework over break
-My nails look really funky right now
-My dog is the cutest thing alive, and if you disagree you're wrong
-I have a generally good life, compared to some others out there
-I don't have to take the SATs again

They always say though to focus less on yourself on thanksgiving... that seems a little counterintuitive to me, just because if I'm being thankful on the behalf of others, it would end up sounding like:
-I'm thankful that Paris Hilton's hair is so nice
-I'm thankful that Kanye West is still successful
And so on.

I figure people probably mean "Be thankful and realize that other people can't ramble on as long as you can about how great their lives are"
Which is a good sentiment.
I don't know. I'm usually in it for the turkey and mashed potatoes.
Until this year.
Two things I'm NOT thankful for
-My dysfunctional inflammation-affected body that can't really handle simple carbohydrates or fats
-My sudden distaste for rotting animal flesh (otherwise known as the fact that I'm a vegetarian)

Love always,

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