
Today I'm going to write about 7th grade

Caroline Furnace, to be specific. Which is the trip we go on during the first month or so of school to get together, look at animals, learn how to read a map, eat bad food, and bond.
During all of this, you have to keep a journal-type thing. 
I just found mine.
Can I just say that my personality has not changed since seventh grade? Maybe the way I show it has, but not my real personality. example- when we were asked to write "I helped my group by..." and "I could have..." for this stupid/fun team building thing, I wrote
"I helped my group by getting people to listen to the other people.
I could have taken it a bit more seriously"
Still frustrated with people who don't listen. Still not taking it seriously.
Then we did this thing where you had to sit in the dark with one other person, and then write about it. I wrote a very dark poem about being the perfect target for like, a rape/murder, but also about how silly that thought was.
Skip to the back of the notebook, which was essentially our entertainment on the three hour bus rides to and from this place. Mash games, Orange games, doodles, quotes, etc. Apparently I've been compulsively writing quotes down for a long time. Notable quotes in the back:
"Cibus est crappy (besides cake!)"-- I had been taking latin for about a month. Cibus erat pessimus.
"I'm bisexual! He can get an implant!"-- Someone actually said this in a game of Mash when he was paired up with a guy. 
"Happy Chickens"-- I don't remember how this relates to Caroline Furnace, but I remember that this one time I was driving down the highway with my parents and saw this truck of chickens being transported. And they were NOT happy chickens. And I was really pretty upset by that. It made me want to be a vegetarian.
Of course, now I am.

I'm getting all these caroline-furnace related memories. Like, before we went, I wrote a newspaper article on it (I was one of four people on the newspaper staff that year. I loved it). And I asked a number of people what they thought it would be like (what we would do, what the food would be like, etc etc etc). Well, I asked my old sixth grade teacher, Mr Bloom, who I am still 100% in love with (and I mean that) about the food and he said:
"A little charcoaly. And it probably tastes like Caroline"
And I laughed for like, twenty minutes straight.

I read that notebook and saw so much of myself in it. It's funny how I would have been good friends with my seventh grade self, once I got her to stop frontin' (for lack of a better word) and just chill out.

Love always,

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