
The Laramie Project

My school produces great thespians. 
I just saw our fall play, The Laramie Project. For those unfamiliar, it's about the murder of Matthew Shepherd, a gay college student, in Laramie, Wyoming, and the town, and the interviews of the people in the town, and the interviewers, and everything.
It is incredibly depressing, but really interesting and thought provoking at the same time. Just emotional.
It was weird at the end; on one hand I was so emotionally drained from this play, I just wanted to sit in the corner and like, contemplate, and then on the other hand, these were my friends performing it, some good friends, and I was so proud of them.
Because they were seriously amazing.
So if you guys read this... you rock. Break a leg tomorrow and saturday.

It's also making me look forward to my jolly little musical that's coming up... Once On This Island. I love the director/general theater guy, so that will be great.

Love always,

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