
getting out of the house

That had been on my to-do list for a while. Thank god I did it today.

Here's my day, in a nutshell-

10 am: Wake up. Get on facebook. Harass the crazy Bible Lit. kids who are still awake at 4 am EST writing their essays. They need to get their priorities straight. Sleep trumps everything. Even school. I mean it.

11 am: Figure out math. Thank goodness. The second part of the fundamental theorem of calculus was trying to kill me. But I vanquished it!
Sometimes I like to pretend things like math and physics are little tiny battles. Huzzah!

12 pm: Get ready to go to school.
12:32 pm: Watch the 12:31 tram leave. Wait in the cold for the next one. Write in a notebook sitting on a snowy bench. Don't write about cold benches. Write about snow instead.

1 pm: Yearbook meeting! We didn't really have much to say. I brought my Potomac yearbook (from last year) in because I thought it was really good, and I'm secretly trying to turn this school into my old school, from the inside. Percy went through the pages looking for hot girls. He found quite a few, naturally. Margo, if you read this, you have a fan in Switzerland.

2 pm: Sit in the computer lab and work on yearbook by myself.

3 pm: Oren joins me in the computer lab. I try to explain what I'm trying to do. He doesn't get it. He asks me a question about enthalpy. I don't remember anything about it. So it goes.

4 pm: Leave school. Take tram. Meet Mehdi and Sourabh on the tram. They invite Oren and I to join them for chicken. There is one rule- we must eat with our hands.
We go to Migros and buy chicken. We eat it with our hands. I feel very unladylike, but I must prove myself. Using a fork is blasphemy in this crowd. I cannot afford to blow this opportunity to join the League of Extraordinary Chicken-Eating Gentlemen (which is their name). It's delicious, anyway, and my sense of dignity is pretty much used to being pushed aside by now. Then we gossip for a while. Guys pretend they don't gossip, but they do. I'm just reporting the facts.
I tell them epic stories of my life. They formulate a plan that I am definitely not going to carry out. They judge girls who walk by. Fun is had by all.

6:30 pm: I realize I never really told anyone where I was going, I forgot my phone at home, and I've been gone for like, six hours. I return. Mom is excited to see me. She's like Chili-dog sometimes.

And then I get back to my routine- do some work, waste some time, waste more time, get back to work, repeat.

Also, I just downloaded Contra (Vampire Weekend). I'm a fan. I'm really liking this buying-albums thing.
Favorite songs off of Contra- Diplomat's Son, Giving Up the Gun, Holiday, I Think Ur a Contra

Love always,

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