
waiting in line

waiting in line, originally uploaded by csb324.

Hi there.
I've been a bad blogger girl. My deepest apologies. I really can't even say I've been busy, because since the Americans went back to america I haven't done that much.

I did go bowling last night. That was actually really fun. I had anticipated sucking at bowling, because motor skills and I have had this ongoing feud since basically my birth, but I wasn't that bad.

Me: [knocks down nine pins]
Emily: How did you do that?!
Me: Um... I don't know. Go straight. Think about torque!
Emily: What is that, some kind of BOWLING GOD?!

Emily is hilarious. She told Thomas that if he beat her, she would make him a sandwich. He proceeded to unintentionally roll like, ten gutterballs in a row.
What is this fascination with girls making guys sandwiches, by the way? It's like, it's not that hard to make a sandwich. Guys can make their own sandwiches!
Although I will say I get a certain satisfaction out of making a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches in a short period of time. That's just a good feeling. The I-just-made-10-grilled-cheeses-in-20-minutes feeling.

Later last night, the other guys were pressuring Thomas to demand more sandwiches from Emily (because they are dating, and what else are girlfriends good for?).

Peter: You just need to be like, "Woman, make me a sandwich"
Thomas: It's not working! The sandwich making has yet to happen!
Percy: And not the square sandwiches. We want the long ones.
Me: But those take a lot of bread. You need like, a baguette to make one of those.
Peter: We're bordering France!

I love these kids. They are delightful and hilarious and they do not piss me off.
There are people who are pissing me off lately, but that is more drama than I care to deal with or discuss. Let it be known, though, that I am holding tight to my new philosophy of standards and dignity.

School starts again tomorrow. Wooohooo.

Love always,

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