
ski days: episode two

Went skiing with school today. It was phenomenal. I love skiing.
The deal with having ski days on fridays though, is that I'm always too tired to do anything that night. And so is everyone else.
This tendency isn't really a problem. It fits in nicely with my introversion- a full day of social interaction, from morning to night, sort of tires me out anyway. Friday nights are movie nights for Clara.

It's great. I rent something I've never seen on iTunes at watch it by myself. It sounds way more depressing than it is, I swear.

Friday nights actually used to be the perfect television-catch-up nights, but then my favorite quasi-legal online television site shut down. I can't find anything even similar. And don't tell me to go watch hulu; it only works in the states.
Whomever owns hulu, I want you to know: You are withholding your data from the rest of the world, and it is leading us to lives of crime. Just fyi.

Yesterday, Thomas sent me a facebook message of music he thinks I would like (because I mentioned Vampire Weekend in the hallway once). He asked me about it today.

Thomas: So did you check out the songs I sent you?
Me: Well.... okay. Here's the deal. You know I keep a blog? I do. And whenever I download new music, I post my new music on this blog. And I just posted a music-related-post a couple days ago. So I really don't want to check out your music, enjoy it, buy it, and then blog about it, because that would be too many music-related posts in a too-short period of time, see? So I'm definitely going to listen to your songs... in a couple days.
Thomas: ... what?
Me: My life is complicated!

I think I make my life complicated on purpose.

Random fact: Today I discovered that there are zippers on the inner thigh of my ski pants, and the zippers reveal mesh. I think this is for if your inner thighs get too warm while you ski. I have never had that happen, but it's good to know that the ski-pants-makers are prepared for anything.

This has been, altogether, a very random post.
I'm tired. You know how I get.

Love always,

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