
if god is a dj, then i am god

Percy: When you die, you're six feet under! You're dead!
Sourabh: Where do you get your information?
Percy: Dude, I've died before!

We were talking about religion and the afterlife.

80's night was tonight. Epic and wonderful? Yes.
I mean, the ninth graders really enjoyed it, and I think the tenth graders had fun, and the interest level tends to go down as the age goes up, but that is to be expected.

After a bit of drama regarding the amount of 80's music we actually wanted, our DJ (day job: math teacher) got upset and left. So I grabbed Patrick the Macbook and took over. It was actually quite fun- I like to be a control freak (check!), listen to good music (check!), and move-while-not-quite-dancing (check!).
Very fun.

I also got to show off my knowledge of Ke$ha's new album (which I LOVE, by the way). The ninth grade girls were so impressed. And you know that's my mission in life. Impress ninth grade girls.
Favorite songs off of Animal: Blah Blah Blah (feat. 3OH!3), Take it off, Your Love is my Drug

Funfact: Between 4 and 10 PM tonight, I consumed seven red bulls. SEVEN.
Which is why my blogging is less-than-completely-coherent right now. At 12:30.

Love always,

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