
an awesome birthday and self-tanner

Apparently, wearing a slightly sparkly dress in a grocery store at 9 o'clock is a sketchy thing to do, judging by the creepy looks that just about every guy in the Migros gave me.
I was just buying a Coke!

I discovered a cool thing today that I will share, not because I think I'm some kind of expert beauty blogger or something, but because it's legit useful for the useless people among us. Myself included.
I have this tanning moisturizer. And it works. Well. Maybe a little too well, because I never rub it in enough, or the right way, or something, and I end up looking half-tan-half-not like some kind of freaky orange zebra.
I haven't had good experiences with self-tanners in general. I had always assumed the spray ones were more even, but I have had a chemical phobia since I was like, eleven, so spraying potentially toxic molecules all over my 8-square-foot bathroom did not ever feel like a good idea.
But it was spring of eighth grade, and the peer pressure was beginning to take hold. I'd gone skiing that spring break, so obviously that wasn't the best opportunity to work on remedying my paleness, so I figured I'd give tan-in-a-can a go.
I wake up the next morning looking like my legs got into a fight, but the bruises turned orange.
Now, if most people had such a disastrous self-tanning fail, they'd just cover up until it faded. I didn't even have that option. The school uniform in eighth grade was a kilt and a polo shirt.
And in the afternoon I had to play softball.
It was embarrassing.
Anyway, that was the worst, but not the last of my epic self-tanner escapades (because I have my mom's terrible pale irish skin, and I don't really tan naturally at all).
The point of this whole rant, is that I discovered today that if your tanning moisturizer is too legit, you can mix it with regular moisturizer, and then it's easier to rub it in because there's more of it.
Cool, right?

Anyway, I'm totally unashamed of the fact that I spend time thinking about these things.

Also, I'm wiped. Goodnight.

Love always,


Adrienne said...

yeah i hope so! my friend told me the area was really artsy and eclectic.

haha thats funny. my friend once used tanning moisturizer because she thought it was regular moisturizer and her hands starting turning a creepy yellow..

good birthday i take it?

Blue Disastrous said...

Happy late birthday!! :3 How does it feel to be 18? Hehe.