

... is a beautiful city.
I just woke up and dad's in the shower so let me just do a brief recap of yesterday because it was fun, but probably not that interesting to other people.
  1. Wake up
  2. Crazy family drama
  3. Dad and I get on train
  4. Switch trains
  5. Get on different train
  6. Eat lunch on said train
  7. Get off train
  8. Take a boat somewhere
  9. Locate hotel
  10. Wander around
  11. Have dinner
While we were at dinner, we made friends with the couple next to us . The man was celebrating his 70th birthday, and they'd been married fifty years, and they were Icelandic. The woman (who I think had Alzheimer's or something) kept reminding us of that.
"Oh no, we're not from here... We're from iceland"
She also kept reminding us of the fact that she was eighteen when she married her husband.
That's a weird thought. I could get married right now.
No thank you.

Anyway, we ate and then we came back to the hotel room and watched 2012 and then we went to sleep.

Fun day.

Today we're going on a thousand tours of various kinds. It'll be sweet.

Love always,

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