
i'm tired and ranting

I got maybe 4 hours of sleep last night, so forgive my over-emotional rambling.

So my parents want me to go to Europark with the family.
That's about as sad as going to Disney world with your parents, above the age of 12. Which is pretty sad, in my opinion.

I'm lobbying to stay home, especially because I'm only in Switzerland for another month and I'd like to hang out with my swiss friends as much as possible during that time. And I'm swamped with work.

The complication to this is that my mother, I think, might be some kind of sexist.

She's decided that the singular reason I want to stay home is because I want to hang out with Chris. Or because Chris is "pressuring" me into staying home. Or because he wants to kidnap me and drag me away from my family into his evil canadian lair.
I find this insulting.
Seriously, is it that hard to conceive that I would have a thought of my own, despite the fact that I'm in a relationship? My mom knew me when I was 13 and boy-crazy and I'm not sure she's aware that I'm aware that being a silly 13 year old girl really only works when you're 13.
I have original thoughts!
She's underestimating me.
I hate being underestimated.

I also just don't want to spend several days stuck with my family. I'm sorry. I like my family. I do. But, as I've tried to explain, I'm seventeen and the way it works is that I'm going to value my relationships with my friends more than my family for a little while.
And I really don't want to lose touch with these kids. I'm not getting rid of my family any time soon, but when I go off to college, who knows whether I'll talk to the swiss crew again?

So that's something. God, I hate moving. I did it once, and I went through all of that, and it sucked, and I got here and I hated it, and then I got used to it, and then I got to really like it, and now I'm leaving again.
As much as I'm excited to get back to the 703, I'm going to miss Switzerland more than I'd anticipated.

I turn eighteen in a week. Expect all sorts of adventures.

Love always,

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