
life is weird

Edward Burger: Did you know that there are people out there who absolutely hate having a square root in the denominator? Yeah. Those people are wacko. But suppose you're one of those people...

Thanks a lot, Edward Burger. Way to force the root-haters back into the closet. If I were one (which I'm not), I certainly wouldn't own up to it now.

Sorry I've been busy lately. Between having guests here and spring break and work stuff, I haven't had that much spare time on my hands lately. I've been blogging, but I haven't been doing interesting things for the past few days, and what I've found is that the blogging is better when I have something to say.

I've been eating chocolate and watching math videos. I'm now on a schedule to get all of my work done before I leave, which means I can have a week or so to study for APs when I go back to America.
I'm excited to go back, really.
But I was talking to someone about this the other day (I think she prefers to be unnamed but if she doesn't she can comment!) about this. We're both really excited for college, both going to places we are going to love. But at the same time, I for one feel myself wanting to drag my feet right now. College will come, but I'd kind of like to stay where I am for a little bit longer. I'm excited, but I'm not sure I'm quite ready. If everything would just slow down a little before the end of the year, that would be great.
But it's not going to.
And soon enough, I'll be thinking, "Oh thank god high school is over. College is awesome and I had nothing to worry about! Silly me!"
That's what I'm hoping will happen. That's what happened freshman year, after I spent the whole second semester of eighth grade freaking out.

So that's what's been going on with me lately. Crises all over the place.

Love always,

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