

Last night I was in a belligerent mood. Andrew was dutifully making recordings.

Chris: Perkins looks nice.

I had all of this recounted to me tonight at dinner. I really need to hear these recordings though. I remember saying these things, but they all made perfect sense at the time. I get the feeling that if I heard them now, it would be at the very least entertaining.

We're in the midst of finals. It's crazy. Yesterday I had my linguistics final, which I didn't think was too bad, and tomorrow I've got philosophy, for which I am supposed to be studying right now.
That's going well, clearly.

At this point, I'm excited to be done, but I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself at home for six weeks. Six weeks is a long time. There will be christmas, and then new years, and then... another three weeks of self-determined free time?
That sounds great. Living with the fam, not so much. (No offense, guys.)

Love always,

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