
bowling once more!

The swiss kids dragged themselves out of their study caves long enough to come bowling. Hooray!

Thomas: I studied this morning! I did an essay plan about the Russian revolution. I hate the Russians. The thing about the peasants, is that they think it's all about them.

I hadn't realized the Russian peasants were so full of themselves.

Thomas: These people would try to come in, and they would say "We're going to help you!" and the peasants would stab them with poles! They'd say "No! You're educated!"

The bowling itself went well. Nyah dominated, and Oren rocked it. Chris wasn't playing because his shoulder has some kind of problem, but he took shots for people here and there and had a pretty good record. I played the way I play most sports - not well. Anine was the best though. We may have had to remind her that the pins were that way.

Love always,


Thomas said...

I'd like to remind you, that I was only 1 point behind Oren, and all I get , Thomas, an anti-peasant 17 year old. BAH :P

kmac said...

two things...firstly, bowling is cool but not THAT cool...unless im involved.
secondly, pretty much certain i spent grade 12 xmas puking out of taxis on thunstrasse. tell those dudes to get ON IT!